
根据对话内容,填写适当单词补全对话(每空0.5 分,共5分)

A: 1.____  me, could you ___2.______  me the way to the nearest book shop, please?

B:Certainly. Go along this road and turn right ____3.____ the traffic ____4.___ .

Then walk on __5.____ you reach the second crossing. And then turn left. You will see a bridge. Go across the bridge. You will find the shop __6.__ the right. It's __7.__  the post office __8.____ the fruit shop. You can't _9.___ it.

A:Thank you very much.

B:You're ___10.___ .





























Once there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was said that the island would go down, so all made boats and left except Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to offer her help until the last possible moment. When the island had almost gone down, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a great boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”

Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you .” “Oh, Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love was so excited that she even forgot to ask who the elder was. So Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time understands how valuable Love is.”

1.What would happen to the island?

A.It would grow bigger. B.It would sink.       C.It drove feelings away. D.All the feelings lived.

2.Sadness didn’t see Love when he passed by Love, did he?

A.Yes, he did.        B.Yes, he didn’t.     C.No, he didn’t.     D.No, he did.

3.Why didn’t Happiness help Love?

A.Because Happiness didn’t like Love.

B.Because Happiness didn’t hear Love calling her.

C.Because her boat was so small that she couldn’t take Love with her.

D.Because she needed to be by herself.

4.Who helped Love out of danger?

A.Sadness.          B.Knowledge.        C.Happiness.         D.Time.

5.What does the underlined word “valuable” mean in Chinese?

A.令人喜爱的       B.珍贵的           C.吸引人的         D.有爱心的


Harry is a 21-year-old student from Canada. He 1 at the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine now. He likes drinking tea and 2 Chinese qigong every day.

"Knowledge (知识) about Chinese medicine is useful, 3 it is also very difficult to learn well. I must work harder." Harry said, "I was 4 when I was a little boy. To be strong, I learned qigong at the age of twelve."

Harry 5 to come to China after he finished his college in his own country. 6 September 5th of 2010, he began to learn Chinese in Beijing. Then he went to Heilongjiang for 7 on medicine and began his three-year college life in China.

"I would like to 8 my country after finishing my study. I'll try my best to do something to let people know _ 9 about Chinese medicine and keep Canadians healthy."

More and more foreign students from other 10like Harry have studied at the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine since 1986. From then on, the university has built communication and cooperation (合作) with educational and research institutes (学院) on Chinese medicine in more than 30 countries.

1.                A.works          B.studies         C.plays     D.teaches


2.                A.practicing       B.watching        C.buying   D.study


3.                A.and            B.but            C.or   D.if


4.                A.healthy         B.strong          C.good D.weak


5.                A.decide         B.decides         C.decided D.will decide


6.                A.In             B.On             C.At   D.During


7.                A.education       B.business        C.holidays D.work


8.                A.play           B.prevent         C.leave D.help


9.                A.none          B.all             C.more D.much


10.               A.classes         B.countries       C.schools    D.grades



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