
如果家里突发火灾时,我们正好在室内,这时我们应该做什么,不应该做什么?请你根据下面的提示,以How to Protect Ourselves in the Fire为题,写一篇80~100词左右的短文,开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

How to Protect Ourselves in the Fire

If a fire happens when we are in the room,______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


One day, Mr. Smith took a plastic(塑料的)apple to class. He stood in front of the classroom and said, "Please smell the smell(闻气味)in the air!”

One student put up his hand and answered, "I have smelled it. It is the smell of an apple."

Mr. Smith walked to the students, passed by each of them and said, "Please smell again to see if the smell of the apple is still in the air."

Half of the students put up their hands to show that they could smell it. Mr. Smith returned to the front of the classroom and asked again if the students could smell the apple. Everyone said yes but one student, Henry. Mr. Smith went to him and asked," You really can't smell the apple?"

Henry answered,“No, I can't smell it. I don't think it's a real(真的)apple."

Mr. Smith smiled and said to the class, "He is right! This is not a real apple. It doesn't have any smell."

All of the other students were surprised. Some of them might have thought that the apple was not real, but they didn't have the confidence(自信)to speak up. They just "followed the leader" and went along with the first student.

1.How many students said they smelled the apple when Mr. Smith asked for the second time?

A.None. B.One. C.Half of them. D.Most of them.

2.What can we know about Henry?

A.He didn't speak his mind. B.He didn't smell the apple.

C.He was the best student in Mr. Smith's class. D.He wanted to be different from other students.

3.Mr. Smith used the apple to ______ .

A.celebrate with his students B.teach his students a lesson

C.give a lesson about smells D.play a game with his students

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Believe in yourself. B.What you see is what you get.

C.Two heads are better than one. D.Saying and doing are two things.

On March2, at a press conference(记者发布会), interpreter((翻译) Yao Mengyao caught the attention of many people with her quick reaction and correct translation.

Like Yao, Zhang Lu is an interpreter for Chinas top leaders, including Premier(总理)Li Keqiang and former premier Wen Jiabao. Nine years ago, her wonderful translations of ancient poems cited(引用) by Premier Wen won praise.

At the press conference during the two sessions(两会)of 2010, Wen cited a sentence from the poem Li Sao to show his determination(决心) to deal with the problems in the governments work. With amazing skills, Zhang Interpreted the sentence quite accurately(精准地).

So how do interpreters reach their top positions?

The reason for their success is largely hard work. Besides when they go out on visits with Chinese leaders. the interpreters follow a very strict timetable. Every day they trained themselves by listening to foreign media such as BBC, VOA or CNN through TV or radio.

A month before the two sessions, the interpreters get notice of the spokespersons they are going to translate for. They then make full use of this month to get everything ready. They try to predict(预测) the questions that might be asked and think about the words and phrases the spokespersons might use when they answer the questions.

In truth, there is no secret to their success. It's all a matter of skill and hard work.


Yao Mengyao, an interpreter, drew many people' s attention with her excellent performance, Zhang Lu, another interpreter, was1. by all the people at the press conference because of her wonderful translations of the sentence in the poem Li Sao. They both can always2.in translating through largely hard work. They listen to foreign media such as BBC, VOA or CNN through TV or radio as their 3.training. Before working for the two sessions, they don't4.any time while preparing for the tough ask. They not only try to predict the questions but also consider any possible5.of the spokespersons. In fact, the key to success is skill and hard work.

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