Why would someone decide to stop eating? We know that the body needs food in order to work well. However, many people fast at some time during their lives. Why is this?

Some people fast for political reasons. In the early 20th century, women in England and the United States weren’t allowed to vote. So many women went on fast. They hoped that fasting would bring attention to it. Mohandas Gandhi, the famous Indian leader, fasted 17 times during his life. For Gandhi, fasting was a powerful political tool. In 1943, he fasted to bring attention to his country’s need for independence. For 21 days, he went without food. Another famous faster was Cesar Chavez. In the 1960s, he fasted for three weeks. Why? His goal was to bring attention to the terrible working conditions of farm workers in the United States.

Fasting is also a practice in many religions(宗教). Every year during the month of Ramadan, which is a religious holiday, Muslims(穆斯林) fast from sunrise to sunset. Many Indians fast at special time, and there was also a fasting holiday in ancient China.

Of course, not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons. People sometimes fast just because it makes them feel better. The American writer Mark Twain thought fasting was the best medicine for common illnesses. Whenever he had a cold or a fever, he stopped eating completely. He said that this always made his cold or fever go away. Another American writer, Upton Sinclair, discovered fasting after years of eating too much and headaches. His first fast lasted for 12 days. During this time, his headaches and stomachaches went away. Sinclair said that fasting also made him more alert and energetic.

Choosing to go without food can be very dangerous. However, that doesn’t stop people from fasting for political, religious, or health reasons.

1.The underlined word “fast” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “________”.

A.quickly B.go on a diet C.refuse to eat D.lose weight

2.Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943 for ________.

A.a religious holiday for Muslims B.his country’s need for independence

C.the women’s voting rights in Great Britain D.the equal rights of the black people in America

3.Which fasting is for health reason?

A.Upton Sinclair fasted for 12 days. B.Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943.

C.Cesar Chavez fasted for two weeks. D.Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Women like to go on fasting for politics.

B.You will be very famous if you fast for religions.

C.Fasting sometimes would be better for your health.

D.You needn’t take any medicine if you fast when you’re ill.

5.What may be the best title of the passage?

A.Reasons for fasting. B.Ways of fasting.

C.Advantages of fasting. D.Results of fasting.

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