假设你是大明,你所在的学校将举办一场英语演讲比赛,主题是“如何处理旧书籍”。 请根据所给信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,准备参加比赛。




(1) 对我们来说,旧书籍可能不再有用;

(2) 但是,把旧书籍扔掉却不是一个好方法


(1) 可以节约资源,减少浪费;

(2) 可以帮助家庭困难的学生,使他们开拓视野, 增长知识;

(3) 使我们学会关爱他人;

(4) ……(补充一条即可)

参考词汇:deal with 处理 Project Hope 希望工程 resource资源


(1)词数:80~100 个。



Dear friends,

How do we deal with old books after we read them?


When you imagine a new way of doing something and then find a way to do it, you are being creative. Generally, there are three steps to being creative. They are:

Step 1 Gaining knowledge and skills of how things are done

A solid knowledge and skills help you understand how to do something. Knowing when and how to apply this knowledge comes from studying how others have done things in the same situations. Think about learning to play the piano. In this step you learn how to read music and_______ the keys are on the piano. You also practise playing.

Step 2 Learning to_______ the way that people do those things

Practising how others do something will bring what you have learned and the practice of it together. Repeating other people’s skills will create a lot of _________ and increase understanding. So your next step in playing the piano would be seeing how other good musicians play, and repeating their songs and styles of playing.

Step 3 Exploring new and maybe better ways of doing them

Knowing the rules, but then using or breaking them in your_______ style is the basis of creativity. At this point in playing the piano, you might play songs in new ways; or even write songs and melodies (曲调). Being able to explore and improve on ideas requires time and effort to find out different ways of doing something.

Being creative is the useful ability to help solve problems effectively in many different situations. Being creative will often result in lots of ideas,_______ not all of them will be good ideas. That is why being creative is a process of trying - and trying again! Being able to come up with new ideas, and then_______ the better ideas, will make your life more successful. So start being creative today!

1.A.why B.where C.when D.who

2.A.copy B.avoid C.remind D.destroy

3.A.debates B.signals C.exhibitions D.experiences

4.A.fair B.mean C.rude D.own

5.A.since B.unless C.although D.because

6.A.breaking down B.picking out C.getting rid of D.putting off

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