
     I'm 13 years old. My name is Mike Davis. I (1)g__________ to Hope School
and I'm in Year One. I'm really interested in science, but I find maths and Chinese
very (2)d__________. I never get high marks in them. I like sports. I'm good at
(3)r__________ and I run for the school running (4)t__________ in the 800
meters every year.
     My Dad sells farm machines(农机). We live in the country about two kilometers
away (5)f__________ the school, so I go to school by (6)b__________. My uncle
has a farm(农场)and I (7)s__________ most of my free time helping him there. I
help him (8)l__________ after the cows and I like to do the milking(挤奶) every
Saturday. My uncle has a tractor(拖拉机)and he says I can't drive it until I'm fifteen
(9)y__________ old.
     I want to work in the countryside (10)w__________ I leave school. I wouldn't
like to (11)l__________ in a town or sit in an office all day. My father (12)t__________
I should work in his company, but I want to be like my uncle and have my own farm one day.
1. go   2. difficult   3. running   4. team   5. from   6. bike/bicycle
7. spend   8. look   9. years   10. when   11. live   12. thinks



As you know , Mark Twain was a f ___1.____ writer . He was born in a poor family . It was difficult for him to get some money when he was young . One day , he was invited to give a talk and after that he was asked if he could r____2._____ the first money he ever earned (挣). He had thought a long time before he answered and then said , “Yes , it was at school . I can remember e____3._____ about it . Pupils in those days didn’t respect (尊敬) their teachers and didn’t take c­­___4.____ of school property (财产). Some of them often broke the windows and doors , the others cut something on the desks . S____5.____ a rule (规定)was made in our school that any boy who did that would be beaten (被打) in front of the whole school , or would have to p____6._____ five dollars .”

“ One day I cut a mouse on the desk with a knife . I had to give five dollars to the school or be beaten before the w____7.____ school . So I had to tell my father about it . My father said it would be very bad to have our family disgraced(羞辱) in front of the whole school . He agreed to give me five dollars to hand over to the headmaster(校长).But before g____8.____ me the money , he took me upstairs(楼上) and gave me a beating . But as I had one beating and got used to(习惯) it , I d_____9.____ I would take another beating at school and leave the five dollars to m_____10.______ . So that’s what I did . That was the first money I ever earned .”


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