

book,  finish,  was,  writer,  great, 
will,   live,   from,  dream,  move
         A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many people’s attention recently. The little
  【小题1】   first English story, Swordbird, was on the New York Times’ bestseller list for children’s fiction.
Fan Yi was born in Beijing in 1997. She     【小题2】   her second grade of primary school in Beijing. She     【小题3】  to the US with her parents at the age of 7. She has shown      【小题4】interests in birds since she was a little girl.
When Fan      【小题5】    studying American history at school, she read many articles(文章) about the September 11 Attacks (9.11事件). She wanted all people to       【小题6】    in peace with each other. Around that time, she had a(n)      【小题7】    one night. In the dream, some birds fought with each other. Fan got an idea      【小题8】    the dream and turned it into a story. In it, she showed her idea of peace in the world.
In the future, Fan will write more      【小题9】    for the Swordbird series. Will she become another J.K Rowling? We      【小题10】    have to wait and see.


【小题1】通过was我们可知,前面部分应该是主语,根据bestseller list “畅销书榜单”可知,前面应该是writer’s.注意要用名词所有格。
【小题3】通过上句我们可知,原来Fan Yi生活在中国,在这又出现了美国,所以此处应该是“搬到美国”,“搬去”是move to,又因为是发生过的,所以应该用过去时,所以本题填moved。
【小题4】通过interests可知其前应该需要一个形容词,通过上下文可知,FanYi很喜欢鸟,所以此处可填great,show great interests“表现了极大的兴趣”。所以本题填great。
【小题5】通过when“当……时候”可知,本句的意思是“当Fan Yi在学校学历史时”所以这里需要was与studying构成过去进行时。所以本空应填was。
【小题7】通过下句中的In the dream可知,她做了个梦,所以本空应该填dream。
【小题9】通过前文,我们知道,Fan Yi是一个小作家,所以在将来她将写更多的书。所以本空应该填books。
【小题10】通过Will she become another J.K Rowling?“她会成为另一个J.K Rowling吗?”可知,下一句的意思应该是“我们将拭目以待。”这是将要发生的,所以应用will。
点评:本文讲了一位叫Fan Yi的小女孩怎样成为一名小作家的故事。在阅读时,应该注意事情发展的顺序,根据文章的意思,进行合理的推测,从而选出合适的单词;另外,应注意文章的时态,上下的关系等。

usual, eat, mean, Britain, little, exciting, chance, or, although, common, if, spend
  In many European countries it is normal to have a long break in the middle of the day when all members of the family return to their houses to eat together. This is not very ___【小题1】______in Britain because normally it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home. The __【小题2】_____ people often have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at midday is not __【小题3】____with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally ___【小题4】____ between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often take at ____【小题5】_____ an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people eat their meal ___【小题6】___ "dinner" between 6:30 pm and 9 pm.
On Sundays people don't have to work so they take the ___【小题7】____ to eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is ____【小题8】____ the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered real British food are eaten for Sunday lunch, such as roast beef and pudding.
_____【小题9】______ everyone in Britain understands that "breakfast" is the first meal of the day, there is a lot of confusion(混乱) about the words for other meals such as "dinner, lunch, tea, high tea, elevenses, brunch, supper". And if you ask a British person what these words ___【小题10】_____, most of them will give you a different answer according to what part of the country they are from.


usual, eat, mean, Britain, little, exciting, chance, or, although, common, if, spend
  In many European countries it is normal to have a long break in the middle of the day when all members of the family return to their houses to eat together. This is not very ___【小题1】______in Britain because normally it is a long way from the place of work or school to the home. The __【小题2】_____ people often have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at midday is not __【小题3】____with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally ___【小题4】____ between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often take at ____【小题5】_____ an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people eat their meal ___【小题6】___ "dinner" between 6:30 pm and 9 pm.
On Sundays people don’t have to work so they take the ___【小题7】____ to eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is ____【小题8】____ the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered real British food are eaten for Sunday lunch, such as roast beef and pudding.
_____【小题9】______ everyone in Britain understands that "breakfast" is the first meal of the day, there is a lot of confusion(混乱) about the words for other meals such as "dinner, lunch, tea, high tea, elevenses, brunch, supper". And if you ask a British person what these words ___【小题10】_____, most of them will give you a different answer according to what part of the country they are from.

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