
Recently, Chinese netizens (网民) enjoy themselves on “growing and stealing crops” on the Internet. This is a game called “Happy Farms”. Now more and more people are joining in the game, and getting addicted. Some of them are even found playing the game at work. Because of this, some players have been fired by their bosses. Lovers have broken up, but none of them can stop Happy Farms from becoming more popular.
Here we interviewed some young netizens and let’s see what their opinions were.
Nongmin: Playing happy Farms at work, that’s terrible! A clerk was fired because she was online playing it at work.
King: I find that all the dreams of having houses and fields, which are very hard to get in real life, are very easy to be realized in the games. I think I know the reason why the game is so popular.
Kaixin: We have to know how to control ourselves. We should keep our minds on study. Games are just games. I prefer to play sports with my classmates when I am free.
Kitty: I like Happy Farms. My high-pressure work makes me feel like I can’t breathe. I wish I could have a real house and farm, but it seems so far away. I have to turn to virtual(虚拟) nature for my own house and farm.
People often get tired from work or study, so they go to their own farms, take care of their crops and pull out weeds. It is really delightful to forget about the pressure. But some players work from morning to night to “grow and steal crops”. They lose themselves in the game and show no interest in anything else. It is really terrible.
小题1:From this passage, we know that “Happy Farms” is _____.
A.a popular online gameB.a kind of sport
C.an interesting online filmD.a real farm
小题2:The word “fire” means _____ in the underlined sentence in the first paragraph.
小题3: From Kaixin’s words, we can guess that he is probably a_____.
小题4:_____ have the similar idea about “Happy Farms”.
A.Nongmin and KingB.King and Kitty
C.Kaixin and KittyD.Nongmin and Kaixin
小题5: From the passage, the writer thinks _____.
A.“Happy farms” is good for people’s work and study
B.people can play “Happy farms” at night
C.people should never play “Happy farms”
D.“Happy farms” sometimes can help you relax but it may also cause problems


小题1:根据Recently, Chinese netizens (网民) enjoy themselves on “growing and stealing crops” on the Internet. This is a game called “Happy Farms”. 可知开心农场是个在线游戏,故选A。
小题1:根据下文by their bosses 可知句意为一些玩家被老板雇佣,故选C。
小题1:根据We should keep our minds on study.及下文描述可知选C。
小题1:通过短文描述可知King 和 Kitty关于开心农场的看法相近,故选 B。
Here are some tips on how to talk with your parents.
Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask your parents questions about their day. They love this!
Make it clear what you want to tell your parents if they have an opinion, let them finish and don’t disturb. Ask them to do the same for you.
Show them respect by listening to them carefully. Look at their eyes sincerely.
Be honest. Honesty builds trust(信任). Life is good when your parents trust you.
If your parents don’t understand, that’s OK. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you or they’re not trying. Sometimes you have to explain things to them again or in a different way.
When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like, “Thanks! That helped.” It will let them know this is important to you, and make them want to do it more often.
If you feel there are still things to talk about, set up a time with them to talk about it another day.
小题1:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. We should show respect to our parents.
B. There are some ways to talk with our parents.
C. It’s important to trust our parents.
小题2:What should we do when our parents have some opinions?
A. Let them finish and don’t disturb.
B. Let them listen to you.
C. Argue with them and then say sorry.
小题3:Why should we look at their eyes while listening?
A. Because they make us do that.
B. Because this shows we agree with what they say.
C. Because this makes them feel respected.
小题4:When we finish the talk, we should tell our parents that we _______ what they have done for us. This will let them know talking is important to us.
A. are careful of
B. are thankful for
C. are satisfied with
小题5:Which is the best title for this passage?
A. Some Tips on How to Talk with Parents.
B. Respect Parents.
C. Try to Talk with Parents.

Richard found work in a big office after he had finished college. He liked to use his (1)____and was good (2)_____ his work. So he was often paid more than his workmates and he worked (3)______. But something was wrong with the young man one month. He couldn’t fall (4)____ at night. So he was always (5)____ in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital. The (6)______ looked him over and (7)_____ him to buy some highly effective sleeping pills(高效安眠药). He took them (8)_______ the went to bed. Soon after that he went to (9)_____.   Richard (10)_______ in the morning, he had a look at the (11)_____ on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after (12)____ . As soon as he went in the office, he said to the head of the office, "Good morning, Mr. Clarke! I’ve(13)_______  had a good sleep like last night’s. And I’m feeling (14)_______better now!"   "Skunk(混蛋)!"the head (15)_____ loudly.”We’ve looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but it’s too late now!"
A.stood upB.woke upC.at downD.lay down
“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way that people in the U.S.A greet each other. But “How are you?” is also a very unusual question. It’s a question that often doesn’t need an answer. The person who asks“ How are you?” hopes to hear the answer “Fine”, even if the person’s friend isn’t fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “Fine” isn’t really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying “Hello” or “Hi”.
Sometimes, people also don’t say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone Asks “Do you agree?”, the other person might think, “No, I disagree. I think you’re Wrong...”But it isn’t very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say “I’m not sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.
People also don’t say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people. For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person say “I’ve to go now.” Often, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse: “Someone’s at the door.”“Something is burning on the stove.” The excuses might be real, or not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn’t want to talk any more, but it isn’t polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn’t hurt the other person.
Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people don’t say exactly that they are thinking. It’s an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it’s part of the game of language.
小题1:“How are you?” is another way of saying "Hello." or" Hi."
小题2:It is polite to say" No. I disagree I think you are wrong, "if you don’t agree with others.
小题3:When someone says "I have to go now "On the phone.it means he wants to go on talking.
小题4:"Someone is at the door." may be an excuse for finishing a phone.
小题5:Sometimes people don’t say exactly what they are thinking about just because they try to be nice to each other.
You’ve probably known the crazy traffic in Beijing. Sometimes the cars could hardly move for a long time. The terrible traffic is caused by the poor road and China’s ability to cope with (对付) so many cars on the road at the same time.
With more Chinese people buying cars every day, the problem seems to only get worse. But a design company called Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment has a possible solution: the super bus.
The super bus would carry up to 1,400 people in its passenger compartment (隔间). It would travel on a rail system that would be elevated (升高的) above the roads, so cars could drive under it. The bus will run on electricity and solar power, creating far less pollution than that from the cars it would be replacing (代替).
Beijing authorities haven’t decided whether to create railways for the super bus throughout the city. But they are willing to give it a test drive. Later 2010, the company will test for the first time and in 2011 and 2012, the company will test the super bus with passengers.
According to the government, Beijing is probably to have five million cars on the road by the end of 2010. So it seems to be necessary to start taking the bus instead soon.
小题1:__________ caused the terrible traffic in Beijing.
A.The driversB.The roadsC.The busesD.The government
小题2:__________ cars will be on the road by the end of 2010.
A.1,400 millionB.2,000 millionC.5 millionD.50 million
小题3:What is Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment?
A.It is an interesting park.B.It is a super bus.
C.It is a kind of equipment.D.It is a design company.
小题4:Which is TRUE about the super bus according to the passage?
A.The super bus will travel above the roads.
B.The super bus will produce more pollution.
C.The super bus will only hold several people.
D.The super bus is very small.
Nowadays we call see more and more electric bikes hi the street. Electric bikes are easy to  41  and they can run faster than ordinary bikes. So they become very  42  in many cities in China now.
But the electric bikes also  43 many traffic accidents happen. So the Chinese government plans to make a new   44  for the electric bike riders(骑车者). If  45   electric bike is heavier than  40 kilos and it can go   46  than 20 kilometers an hour, its rider must get a license (执照). It means riders have to pass driving test  47 __ they ride their electric bikes on the road.
People have different ideas about the rule. Some people like the rule  48   they think it will make the street much safer. But some people are not  49 the new rule at all. One rider said, "I don’ t want to get a license or   50  , I don’ t like too many rules in life. " What’ s your idea, my friends?
小题2:A. popular            B. hard          C difficult           D dangerous
小题7: A. during           B. after             C. before       D in
A.happy withB.worried aboutC.sorry aboutD.surprised at
What’s a blog? A blog is a personal online diary(日记). It’s cool, it’s hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often. Sound like a fashion? In fact, It’s another trend (流行趋势). And the word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online. Are you a blogger?  
Many bloggers are teenagers who log (进入) onto websites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of today’s teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework. They share diaries, post(发布) songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.  
However, many parents are worried about these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they don’t like studying. They are using the language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get messages from strangers. Most of the time, it’s older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words.” said Cara Cabral, a mother of two children.  
Many teenagers and young adults know it’s not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place where it can be seen by anyone. But teenagers are unwilling to give up these new communication tools that have become a way of life for many of them.   
小题1: The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph means ________.  
A. the fashion          B. the Internet       C. the blog      
小题2: Which of the following is NOT TRUE?  
A. Teenagers don’t tell about their personal life in their blogs.  
B. Teenagers mostly write down what they do every day in their blogs.  
C. Teenagers complain about their parents and homework in their blogs.  
小题3: What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?  
A. Many parents don’t understand kids’ language in their blogs.  
B. Many parents are worried about these young bloggers.   
C. Many parents can understand why their kids don’t like studying.  
小题4: Many parents think it’s         for their children to get messages from strangers.  
A. dangerous     B. interesting        C. surprising   
小题5: We can learn from the last paragraph that         .  
A. It’s easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the Internet                   
B. It’s safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the Internet  
C. It’s popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet 
The 2010 Shanghai World Expo has been open for several months and there are large numbers of volunteers serving there.
Chen Chuan,a 19- year-old student at Fudan University, is usually fast asleep at 6 am. But over the May 1 holiday, he was rising early to eat breakfast and   41   answer questions like,“Where can I find the toilet?” Such is the life of a Shanghai World Expo volunteer. But Chen and his 72,000 colleagues(同事)aren’t complaining,   42  ,they’re trying not to. “Volunteering is   43  work,”Chen said,“but it makes me feel happy. ”
Other student volunteers have   44  feelings. Wang Lin an 18-year-old volunteer from Chongqing University,told us about trying to explain to a tourist why a line to visit a pavilion was so long. When the tourist suddenly got quite angry, Wang became upset   45  being shouted at. Wang said. “I didn’t expect we would have to face so many difficulties in our service. But I know serving is about giving   46 . ”Still,the very next day, Wang received a reward(嘉奖)when she helped a lost child   47  his parents. “The happy smiles and their gratitude(感谢)made me feel so   48  ,”Wang said. “That’s   49 I now always smile to others,even if they don’t look happy. Smiling makes me happy. ”
  50  their green and white clothes,people call volunteers “Little Cabbage”. Wang likes this nickname(绰号). “We’re green, we are fresh,just like the vegetable,”Wang said.
A.get ready toB.get ready forC.be readyD.get ready
A.at mostB.at leastC.after allD.at last
A.hardlyB.a hardC.a hardlyD.hard
A.sameB.differentC.difficultD.the same
A.forB.atC.in D.with
A.and receivingB.not receivingC.for receivingD.with receiving
A.foundB.with findingC.to be found D.find
A.sweetlyB.sweetC.sweets D.sweetness
A.what B.howC.why D.where
A.Because ofB.BecauseC.Thank to D.Thanks for

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