
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:

Halloween has become a lot more than candy, costumes and decorations. It is big business. A1. to the International Retail Association, Halloween is the s2. most important holiday for retailers.

Take a drive down any street or take a walk through most stores in the US on the days before October 31st, you'll see the images of Halloween everywhere you look. Houses across the country are d3. with witches, spider webs, skeletons, pumpkins and other s4. of Halloween.

Supermarkets, drugstores, costume shops and many other stores are full of candy and costumes. Business has been excellent at many stores for several weeks. The Retail Association says candy is the best-selling Halloween p5.. Halloween is the No. 1 candy selling season. It is f6. by Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day.

Americans will eat 950 million dollars in candy this Halloween! The other best-sellers for the Halloween season are costumes, masks, make-up and home decorations. Dick Perry is the owner of a candy store in Canton, Ohio. He said it is c7. for adults to come into his store and spend 200 dollars or more on candy.


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