
【题目】书面表达 (10分)


1. 无锡是个现代化的城市;

2. 有许多自然景观,也有许多名胜古迹,终年有大批的游客到无锡来旅游;

3. 人们以前多骑自行车或步行出行,现在大部分人开车出行;

4. 因此环境变得糟糕了,污染也已成为一个严重的问题;

5. 我们应该……,我希望……。






Wuxi is a modern city. There are many places of natural beauty and places of interest in Wuxi. Many visitors come to Wuxi all year round. People used to go out by bike or on foot. But now most of them drive their own cars. So pollution has become a problem. The environment has become worse. I think we should take action to protect the environment. I hope Wuxi will be better and better. ( 74 words )



写作亮点:这篇短文多次使用连接词but、so,以及主从复合句如I think we should take action to protect the environment.,为文章增色不少。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理.


【题目】Have you ever heard about the Whale Inside Dark Restaurant? The restaurant is in eastern downtown Beijing. It’s the first eat-in-the-dark restaurant in China, and also in Asia. The restaurant is so welcome, since it’s open in January at jianwai SOHO in Chaoyang District.

People going there will experience darkness both during the day and the night. The restaurant offers not only a wonderful choice for food, but also a special environment for friends or parties.

Every day, Whale Inside receives at least 50 guests from everywhere around Beijing. About 10 per cent of them are foreigners.

The customers will go to the light to see the menu, and then they have to hand in all mobile phones, watches and other things that can give off light. They then move to the dark world. Waiters will lead them to the dark dining area. Of course, the waiters are all wearing special glasses that can make them see in the dark. Customers cannot see anything including their food or friends. They have to look for their spoons, drinks, and anything else.

Every table may get a “secret dish(菜肴)”. The guests will have one chance to guess what the dish is made of. Everyone who guesses it correctly can win a prize. “It is not easy,” said the manager, “because without seeing it, only 30 per cent of the guests can get the answer.”

【1】Whale Inside is a place where people can __________.

A. eat special dark food B. choose any food they like

C. have meals in darkness D.span> eat inside a whale

【2】About ____ foreign guests will visit the restaurant every day according to the passage.

A. 50 B. 10 C. 5 D. 500

【3】The right order of the following statements is _______.

a. Waiters lead the customers to the dark dining area

b. Customers go to the light to see the menu.

c. Customers hand in their mobile phones, watches, etc.

d. Customers have to eat in the darkness

A. b-c-a-d B. c-b-a-d

C. b-a-d-c D. c-d-b-a

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Guests there will have a chance to get a prize—a secret dish.

B. Every guest there will get a secret dish.

C. It’s not easy to guess the secret dish without seeing it.

D. The manager said only 30 guests received the prize.

【5】 The passage mainly tells us that _____________.

A. eating in the darkness is very popular today

B. it’s strange to eat in the darkness

C. many people go to get the prize in Whale Inside

D. the first eat-in-the-dark restaurant in China and also in Asia

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