
     Sam “Fingers” had been in trouble all his life.He'd started stealing things when he was only a kid(小孩).He used to walk through the street market near his home and “pick up” a few things-a pine apple or a hairbrush perhaps.But things got worse as Sam got older.By the time he was twenty-five he was spending a lot of time stealing-and then he got caught(被抓).While he was in prison he decided that he'd never steal
again.He really had to stop.
     On his first day out of prison,Sam went for a walk along the High Street.It was so nice to walk along in the crowds and look at the shops.Oh,the shops!
     "I'll just go into this jeweller's and have a look around,” Sam said to himself,“there is nothing to worry
about.No more stealing for me.”Then Sam saw the diamond ring.He'd always wanted to give one to his
girlfriend.And nobody was looking.In a minute the ring was in his pocket and Sam was walking out of the
shop.But as he went towards the door he felt a hand on his shoulder.
     "I saw you put that ring in your pocket.” said the manager.“I shall have to call the police.”
     "I will pay for it.Yes,I'll pay for it”.said Sam.
      With a smile,the manager handed him the bill:500!
      “Er,um,well”said Sam,“ I really didn't want to spend that much.Would you please show me
something a little cheaper?”
1.People called him “Fingers” because he was a  _____________.
D.small boy
2.Sam went along a street after he  _____________.

A.was in prison
B.made his decision
C.escapes from prison
D.left prison

3.When Sam went into the shop he thought he _____________ take anything.

A.might not

4._____________ was watching him.
A.No one
B.A shop assistant
C.A policeman
D.The manager
5.Sam _____________ the diamond ring.
A.didn't want
B.didn't like
C.couldn't afford
D.wanted to see
     Sam lives in Paris. His father has a factory there and his mother is a teacher. He's five years old now and
begins to go to school this September. It's a little far from their factory so his father drives a car to take him
to school every morning. So he's not late for class and his teachers like him.
     It's Tuesday today. Miss Hunt is teaching them to count (数) from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon
he can count them. Miss Hunt is happy and asks," How many people are there in your family, Sam?"
     Sam stands up and begins to count with his fingers. Then he says,"Two, Miss Hunt."
     "Who are they?"
     "My father and my mother."
     "Oh?" Miss Hunt is surprised (惊讶的). She says, "There're three people in your family."
     "But now I'm not at home, but at school, you know!"
1. Sam is _____.
A. a French boy
B. an American boy
C. a French girl
D. an American girl
2. Sam is in Grade _____ now.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
3. Sam usually goes to school _____.
A. on foot
B. by bike
C. by car
D. by bus
4. _____, so Miss Hunt is happy today.
A. Sam isn't late for class
B. Sam isn't studying hard
C. The children are listening to her
D. Sam can count from one to ten
5. Which of the following (下面的) is wrong?
A. Sam is at school now.
B. Sam knows how many people there are in his family.
C. There're three people in Sam's family.
D. There're two people in Sam's family.