
第一节 根据中文情景提示,完成下列句子。

1.班级要举办才艺秀,你想知道 Jim 会不会弹吉他,会这么问:

Jim, ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?

2.你想知道 Lucy 通常几点起床,会这样问:

Lucy, ________________________________________________________________________________________ ?






Mom,________________________________________________________________________________________ ?


Book Sale

Do you like reading? We have all kinds of books at very good prices. We have Robinson Crusoe for ¥ 9. We have Hamlet for ¥ 6 and A Child’s Geography of the World for ¥ 18.

Come to Xinhua Bookstore and see for yourself.

Sunshine Sports Club

For students from 12 to 16 years old. Every Saturday and Sunday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m..

Sunshine Gym.

Just 40 pounds a month.

Basketball, tennis, badminton and volleyball. London Street 26.

Tel: 8752-1628.

Students Volunteers (志愿者) Wanted

We need two volunteers. Do you love animals? Come to the animal hospital every Saturday morning, and you can get on with the lovely animals.

Are you a book lover? Are you responsible for your work? If your answer is “Yes”, you can work as a volunteer at the library every Friday afternoon.

Come to the Students’ Union for more information.

Job Registration (登记) Company: Uber.

Job: A driver.

Working Hours: 30 hours per week, including some weekends.

Needed: to be experienced (有 经 验 的 ), friendly, healthy and have a good driving record.

Pay: $12 an hour.

Starting Date: July 1st. Tel: 765-2546.

1.Mario wants to be a volunteer, but he has a piano lesson in the morning on weekends. He can choose________.

A.to be a volunteer at the library

B.to work as a driver for Uber

C.to be a volunteer at the animal hospital

2.Ann can buy at most (至多) ________kinds of books if (如果) she has ¥ 18.

A.one B.two C.three

3.The company needs to pay________for the driver every week.

A.$12 B.$84 C.$360

4.You can________in Sunshine Sports Club.

A.play badminton and volleyball B.swim and play tennis C.play basketball and soccer

5.You can go to________for further information if you want to be a volunteer.

A.the animal hospital B.the library C.the Students’ Union

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
