

【1】In China, there are many beautiful seas and __________. (海滩)

【2】Bad luck! The new bicycle I bought last week was __________ (坏了) .

【3】----Do we need to go to the supermarket to buy some food?

【4】----No, dear. There’s __________ (大量)in the fridge.

【5】You can look for more __________ (信息) about the writer.

【6】Tom is making a birthday card for his father’s __________(40) birthday.

【7】Pizza Hut is a __________ (west) restaurant. But many people like eating there.

【8】Look! Your clothes are the same as those foreign __________. (visit)

【9】The song is so wonderful. Mr. Smith completely lost (迷失) __________ (he) in the music.

【10】Han Han is _______________(著名的) as a writer.

【11】I want to go to _____________(学院) when I grow up.

【12】People in the west have dinner with knives and _________while we Chinese use chopsticks.

【13】 have long necks so that they can get to the leaves on tall trees.





















【6】修饰名词restaurant,故此处用形容词western。句意:Pizza Hunt是一个西餐馆。但是许多人喜欢在那儿吃。


【8】lose oneself in“沉浸在”,因为主语是Mr. Smith, 故此处用反身代词himself。句意:这首歌如此精彩。史密斯先生完全沉浸在音乐中。

【9】be famous as“作为……而出名”。句意:韩寒是作为一名作家而出名的。

【10】go to college“去上大学”,故此处为college。句意:长大了我想去上学。


【12】根据have long necks可知有长脖子的动物应是长颈鹿。谓语have是复数,故主语用复数名词Giraffes。句意:长颈鹿有长脖子,以至于他们能够得着高树上的树叶。




Rachel Carson was born in the USA on May 27,1907.Her mother,Maria Carson,had been a schoolteacher.She loved books.She also loved nature.She showed Rachel the beauty of nature.She also taught Rachel a deep love for books.As a quiet child,Rachel liked to read and write stories.At a very early age,she decided she wanted to be a writer some day.Her story first appeared in a children’s magazine when she was ten years old.

Her first book.Under the Sea Wind came out in 1941.In 1948,Miss Carson began working on another book,The Sea Around Us.She always researched carefully when she wrote.She collected information from more than one thousand places to write The Sea Around Us.When the book came out in 1951,it won the National Book Award.It was No.1 on the best-seller list for more than a year.The Sea Around Us made Rachel Carson famous.

Rachel Carson’s most famous book,Silent Spring came out in 1962.In this book,she pointed out that the use of some kinds of pesticides(杀虫剂)like DDT would cause the number of birds to decline because it would kill them as well.Finally,in November 1969,the United States government decided that the use of DDT must stop in two years.

Rachel Carson has been regarded as a great environmentalist(环保主义者)and writerShe will be remembered by the world.

1Rachel Carson had a deep love for nature and books because of________.

A.her father

B.her mother

C.her sChool teacher

D.her brother

2Rachel decided that she wanted to be a writer when________.

A.she was very young

B.she was in college

C.she became aspan> teacher

D.she became famous

3The Chinese meaning of the word“decline”in this passage is probably“________”.





4Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Rachel Carson was a careful and serious writer

B.The Sea Around Us won the National Book Award.

C.In Silent Spring Rachel said some pesticides were bad for the environment.

D.The use of DDT was stopped as soon as the book Silent Spring came out.


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