
1.Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools.Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.
Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools.Several children have got mobile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts,and more students will want them.
Lucy Bluett,an expert,said mobile phone use was a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours.Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.
She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't call up their children.
Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school,but if there was a good reason,they could leave their phones at school office.
Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones,but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

56.Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phonesC.
A.when they are at home     
B.when they are free    
C.when they are at school
57.We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones fromC.
A.the makers and sellers
B.the passers-by and strangers
C.their parents and friends
58.What does the underlined word"cheat"mean in the passage?A
 A.Behave dishonestly.  
B.Behave honestly.  
C.Behave correctly.
59.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn'tBduring school hours.
A.use their mobile phones        
B.call up their children   
C.help the teachers with their work
60.The passage tells us thatA.
A.students shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
B.many people can't understand why parents would want their children to have phones
C.all parents felt unhappy because they couldn't use their phones at school.

分析 手机在中学中已经成为了一个难题.澳大利亚的一些中学已经禁止学生在校期间携带手机.

解答 56.C  根据原文"Some middle schools in Australia havebanned (禁止) studentsfrom carrying mobile phones during school hours."可知,澳大利亚的一些中学已经禁止学生在校期间携带手机.故选:C.
57.C  根据原文"Several children have got mobile phonesfrom parents and friends as Christmas gifts,and more students will want them."可知,几个孩子从父母或朋友那里得到了手机作为圣诞礼物,更多的学生也想要.故选:C.
58.A  根据下文during exams考试期间猜测,cheat是作弊的意思,故选:A.
59.B  根据原文"Some parents felt unhappy because theycouldn't call uptheir children."可知,一些父母感到不开心因为他们不能孩子们打电话.故选:B.60.A  文章主要讲述的是孩子们在校期间不应该有手机,但是如果有一个好的理由,他们可以把电话留在学校的办公室里.故选:A.

点评 首先要通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住文中所提供的信息,根据所给的问题,得出正确的答案.

12.Four New Cool Inventions
Mip,a playful robot,was developed by a Canadian toy maker named Wowwee.It stands 19cm tall.You can control it simply with your gestures(手势) or a smart phone.Mip can run,balance and dance on two wheels.It can also bring you a bottle of water.
Android Wear
Google is developing a smart watch called Android Wear.The watch uses a touchscreen and voice control.Simply say"OK,Google"to ask what ever you want to know.For example,say"OK,Goodgle.Where's the nearest toy store?"Your answer will tell you the answer on Google Maps.
Le Pen
Do you like listening to music while doing homework?If you do,you will like Le Pen.With a music player planted inside,Le Pen plays music while you write on paper.The music stops when you stop writing.So if you want to enjoy more of your favourite songs,keep on writing.
One wheel
In the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic:a self-balancing skateboard called Onewheel.It can go as fast as 19km an hour.On a single charge(充电),it can take you as far as 7-10km.

31.If you want to enjoy music while writing,you can chooseA.

32.According to the passage,Android Wear canB.
A.go as fast as 19km an hour
B.tell you how to get to some places
C.run,balance,dance and even serve you
D.play music while you writing on paper
33.In which part of a newspaper can you find in the passage?C
A.Culture.    B.Literature.     C.Science.     D.History.
13.From my father I have learned a lot.And I'm very thankful to him.I remember when I was a child my father always got up very early,quietly putting on his clothes and going off to work.To arrive in time to open his tiny store at 8:30,he needed to leave our apartment at 6:30.After all,he had to take a bus and then the subway.The last journey was a long walk through a neighborhood much of which was full of the smell of rubbish.I learned:it is very important to work.No excuse.
When I was 12,I would,on some Saturdays,go to my father's store to help out.After helping set up the outside clothing display,for the rest of the day,I'd watch to make sure no one stole anything.When I noticed someone looking unusual or strange,I would look the person in the eye,smile and say,"May I help you?"Usually that worked,but sometimes,someone would run off with something.The first time,I ran after the thief but my father shouted,"Martin,stop!There is no need to do that."It's true that safety is more important than money.
After 10years of hard work,he saved up enough money to buy his first car,a cheap one-he wouldn't buy one until he could afford to pay for it without borrowing money.I learned:buy only what you can afford.Buying necessary food and clothing won't make us go in debt(债务).The unnecessary things won't give us happiness,which comes from achievement only.

61.What shop did the author's father own?C
A.A bookshop.B.A coffee shop.C.A clothing shop.D.A food shop.
62.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.The author ran after thieves many times.B.The author thanked his father a lot.
C.The author's father worked very hard.D.The author's father made some money.
63.All the following are talked about in the passage EXCEPTB.
A.the importance of workingB.the good ways to keep healthy
C.that safety comes before moneyD.that it's bad to spend more than you make
64.According to the author,what usually makes people go in debt?C
A.To rent a house for the family.B.To send their children to school.
C.To enjoy something unnecessary.D.To buy enough food for the family.
65.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.How to live a happy life.B.What makes a person successful.
C.The help the author got from his father.D.What the author learned from his father.
6.  Have  you  ever  had  the  feeling  that  no  one  can  understand  you?Well,here comes"Pepper",it  could  be  about  to  change  all  that.Pepper  is  the  first  robot  to  read  human  feelings.Using  its  emotion  recognition  functions (情感识别功能),Pepper  can  make  jokes,dance  and  even  sing  to  people  when  they  are   around  it.
   The  robot  looks  like  a  lovely  girl.It  is  four  feet  tall  with a  tablet computer  in  its  chest.It  has  human-like  hands,a  girl-like  body  and  baby-like  voice.It  was  shown  to  attract  people  at  stores  on  Friday.
   Pepper  can  tell  facial  expressions,human  voice  and  signs,then make an answer.Pepper  is  designed  to  be  a  family  robot,but  it  isn't  like the household  robot  on  the  cartoon.Pepper  is  used  at  home  or store,where we enjoy  pleasure  and  entertainment.
   At  home,not  only  can  it  tell  jokes,it also  helps  people  in trouble.If a natural  accident  happens,it  can  encourage  them,make  them  laugh and feel relaxed.
   Pepper  will  be  on  sale  at  the price of $2,000 in August,2015.At present,several  Peppers  are  on show at stores for people to visit.Before selling Peppers,the creators  want  them  to  store more knowledge in order to get better along with human beings.
Pepper-A Robot Of Human Wisdom
Basic feature (特征)◆The first robot to read(56)human feelingswith its emotion
recognition functions.
Description of appearance◆It's four feet tall with a(57)tablet computerin its chest.
◆It has human-like hands,girl-like body and baby-like voice.
Brief introduction◆The creators designed it to be used at (58)home or store.
◆It can not only make an answer by telling facial expressions,human voice and signs,but also can help people who are (59)in trouble.
Preparations for sale◆Peppers are now still at stores for people to visit.
◆When(60)more knowledge.is stored in Peppers,the more perfect robots will be on sale soon.

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