

healthy, what, because, ourselves, speech, teach, to, find, isn’t, scientist, that, so
In America, science is a very important class. In middle school we were __【小题1】_ how to solve problems by thinking like a ___【小题2】__. We had to think of a question, guess an answer, and ___【小题3】__ a way to test our guess. There were lots of experiments and other activities. I remember studying how science can explain things like light and electricity.
Our English class is very different from___【小题4】__ in China, more like Chinese class I think! We read lots of books and talked about them, ___【小题5】_ we could understand what we read better. We learned how to know what information is important when we read and what ___【小题6】_ so important. In my class we all gave six ___【小题7】_ to the class during the year. We had to talk in front of the class for six __【小题8】ten minutes!
We also have health classes. In this class, we learned about our bodies and how to take care of ___【小题9】__ by doing things like eating healthy foods, and not doing ___【小题10】__ things like smoking or drugs (毒品). We cooked a little bit, but I was not very good at it!


解析【小题1】考查固定句型。teach sb how to do sth“教某人如何做某事”。这里是被动语态,故填taught。
【小题7】考查固定短语。give a speech to sb“给某人做演讲”。故填speeches。  
【小题8】考查固定短语。six to ten minutes“六到十分钟”。故填to。  
【小题9】考查反身代词。take care of “照顾”。根据主语we可知,应该填复数。故填ourselves。  



When are you an adult?

When do you think you are an adult? Maybe different     have different ideas.

Now let's see what some American teenagers say.

Sam: In    idea, you are an adult at the     of 18. That's when you can vote(投票). You can help to   who rules the whole country. That's also a grown-up does! My grandfather couldn't vote    he was 21. They changed it to 18 in 1971.

Jenny: I don't     it's hard to say. I can drive a car at 16, can't I? When you have a driver's license, you can    it to people to tell them your age for all kinds of things.      sixteen must be the age when you change from a      person to an adult. Because you can tell others you are not a       any more.

Suzie: Well, I think there is    wrong with American laws for when young people can    things. I can vote at 18 and drive at 16. So you would think that 18 is a grown-up,     16 isn't. But then I can't drink wine until I'm 21! If I'm     an adult at 18, how can people stop me from      a cup of beer in a bar?

1.A. teenagers           B. adults                      C. drivers                    D. grandfathers

2.A. his                        B. my                            C. her                           D. your

3.A. age                       B. end                          C. front                        D. number

4.A. make     B. keep                         C. teach                       D. choose

5.A. after                     B. until                         C. when                       D. if

6.A. hope                    B. want                        C. like                           D. think

7.A. show           B. send                        C. ask                           D. pass

8.A. But                       B. And                         C. So                            D. Or

9.A. old                        B. young            C. little                         D. tall

10.A. baby            B. grown-up                 C. boy                          D. kid

11.A. anything            B. everything              C. something             D. nothing

12.A. do                      B. buy                          C. like                           D. borrow

13.A. as if                   B. even though C. ever since              D. above all

14.A. already             B. still                          C. also                          D. yet

15.A. selling                B. making                   C. drinking                  D. giving


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