
I think____ important to learn English well.

A.thisB.thatC.itD.you are


解析试题分析: this是指示代词,指代距离说话人较近的人或者事物;that是指示代词 指远处的事物,电话中的对方,为避免重复代替前面的可数名词单数和不可数名词;it 是人称代词 代替物,动物,门外的人,也可作形式主语和宾语等;you are是主谓结构。句意:我认为学好英语很重要。结合语境可知本句中it做形式宾语,指代下文不定式内容,故选C。

     Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are
much cheaper by making the words shorter. You can do this by taking out "unimportant" letters in the
words and using numbers instead of words (2=to, 3=free, 4 = for, 8 = ate, so, etc. ). You can also keep
a way from using punctuation. Here is an example: Do u wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnit? (Do you want go to the
cinema tonight?)
     What do you think these text messages mean?
     Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wing hrs fr a cll.
     Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll.
     I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy.
     Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols to show how they feel. They are called
emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon, you have to look at it sideways.
For example, if you say something in a text message that is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face.
Like this :
     Why didt you call me? I'm so sad.- (Here are some others. Can you think of text messages where
you could use them? -) laughing, -( sad,  -< really sad,  -o shocked,  -v shouting,  | . | asleep,  8-| , 
surprised,  /\-o  bored.

1. Why are text messages popular?
A. Because they are expensive.
B. Because they are cheap.
C. Because they are hard to write.
D. Because they are not important.
2. The first paragraph tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in _______ways.
A. one                          
B. two
C. three                      
D. four
3. What does this text message " Do U wnt 2 cks?" mean? It means_______.
A. Do you want to come?
B. Do you wear two caps?
C. Do you want two cakes?
D. Do you go home early?
4. Why do people use emoticons?
A. Because they can show how the users feel.
B. Because the symbols are beautiful.
C. Because the text messages are short.
D. Because the users can't make the words shorter.
5. If you want to say someone is happy,  you could use the symbol "        ___ " in the text message.
A. -)  
B. -(  
C. -v  
D. |·|

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