When I talk to my friends back in the US, one of the things they often ask me is whether I miss the food back home. I do miss certain things, like my mom’s cooking, as well as a kind of food that I cannot find in Beijing—Americanized Chinese food.

Why would you want a foreign version of Chinese food when you can get the real thing? Well, American Chinese food is attractive in its own way.

Most American Chinese food can be traced back to (追溯到) Guangdong Province. In the early 20th century, thousands of Chinese came to the US from Guangdong to find work. They settled down in places like San Francisco, where they created the Chinatown communities that still exist (存在) today. And of course, they brought their cuisine (菜肴) with them.

But they changed their dishes greatly in order to appeal to (迎合) American tastes. American Chinese food is typically sweeter and heavier than traditional Chinese food. Traditional Chinese cuisine uses vegetables as a main ingredient. But in American Chinese food, vegetables are considered to be a side dish(配菜).

The American Chinese takeout meal may also come with fortune (幸运) cookies. These are thin, hollow cookies that have a small piece of paper inside. Your “fortune” is written on the paper, along with your “lucky numbers”. You’ll never get these cookies when eating takeout in China.

Of course, I enjoy authentic (正宗的) Chinese food very much. But there is something about American Chinese dishes, like General Tso’s chicken, Grab Wontons and chow mein, which I really miss. When I go home for holiday, my family is always surprised when I ask them to order American Chinese takeout. But to me, it is a special treat indeed.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A.the Author’s Mother’s Cooking B.Traditional American Food

C.Americanized Chinese Food D.Traditional Chinese Food

2.What do we know from Paragraph 4?

A.Many Chinese moved to the US in the early 20th century.

B.Chinese living in the US changed their taste in food.

C.American Chinese food is different from traditional Chinese food.

D.Vegetables are the main ingredient in American Chinese food.

3.The author mentioned fortune cookies because ______.

A.he likes American Chinese takeout

B.people always get free cookies in the US

C.they are the most popular dessert in the US

D.they are typical American Chinese food

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.American Chinese food is not popular in the US.

B.The author doesn’t like authentic Chinese food.

C.The author prefers American food to Chinese food.

D.Chow mein is also cooked differently in the US.

When you think of robots, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of science fiction movies like Star Wars, where robots of all shapes and sizes are part of daily life? The word “robot” itself comes from a play written in 1920 by Karel Capek. In the play, people create robots to do some everyday tasks.

Today, most robots don’t look human. Modern robots take many forms and are good at many things, from sweeping the floors in your home to working in factories. They are even exploring the surface of the moon. But there is an interesting irony(讽刺) in the world of robotics which describes a surprising problem: What humans find easy is extremely complicated for a robot. However, what humans find difficult is pretty easy for a robot. For example, picking up clothes in a messy room is simple for people. But that kind of chore is very hard for a robot. Another example is the game of chess. People might find it difficult to win the game of chess all the time. But robots like Alpha-Go can be programmed to play it very well.

This is because robots are very good at doing things in controlled environments. However, moving through a room filled with random(随机的) objects is hard for robots, along with picking up objects of different shapes and sizes without damaging them. In short, it is very difficult for them to deal with certain types of variables.

It turns out that one of the most difficult things to improve in robots is their ability to control objects. Luckily, great progress is being made in the development of robots. On the one hand, exciting developments in making human-like hands and legs are underway. On the other hand, the biggest progress might result from using virtual learning(虚拟学习) to “teach” robots through computer simulations(模拟). In this way, robots can “guess” what to do without an order when they meet unfamiliar things in the real world.

Soon, robots may be able to do those things that humans find simple. That means big changes in what robots can do and how they can help us with daily tasks. Robots might make movies a reality.

1.What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To give an example.

B.To present the topic.

C.To explain what robots are.

D.To show how robots develop.

2.According to the passage, what might be difficult for robots?

A.Playing chess.

B.Washing the dishes.

C.Making cars in factories.

D.Gathering up clothes in a mess.

3.What’s the writer’s opinion about robots in the future?

A.They will cause further problems for people.

B.They will deal with new things depend on orders.

C.They can hardly develop until they look like human.

D.They can benefit people more by making improvements.

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