
Bob was happy. He was at a new school, and the other students were friendly. “Hi, Bob!” They said. But some students said, “Hi, Peter!” Bob didn’t understand. He asked another student, “ Why do some students call me Peter?”

“Oh, that is easy to answer,” the student said. “Peter was a student here last year. Now, he goes to a different school. You like Peter. Some students think that you are Peter.”

Bob wanted to meet Peter. He got Peter’s address(地址) from a student and went to Peter’s house. Peter opened the door. Bob couldn’t believe his   eyes. He looked really like Peter! Bob and Peter had the same color eyes and the same smile. They had the same black hair. They also had the same birthday.

Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers. They both were adopted(领养) by two different families. Soon after the boys born, one family adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bob’s family never knew about Peter, and Peter’s family never knew about Bob, either.

1.Bob didn’t understand why __________.

A.he was happy

B.he went to a new school

C.some students called him Peter

D.he was named Bob

2.Another student told Bob that __________.

A.students liked Peter

B.he looked liked Peter

C.Peter was a good student in that school

D.Peter liked his studies very much

3.How did Bob feel when he saw Peter?

A.He felt very sad.

B.He was greatly surprised.

C.He felt that Peter was very funny.

D.He was very angry because they looked the same.

4.What is not mentioned(提及) about Peter and Bob?

A.Their eyes had the same color.

B.They had on the same clothes

C.They had the same black hair.

D.They were born on the same day.

5.Bob and Peter _____________.

A.lived in different countries

B.lived in the same family

C.lived in different families

D.lived with the same parents









1.根据文章内容They said. But some students said, “Hi, Peter!” Bob didn’t understand. He asked another student, “ Why do some students call me Peter?”可知答案为C

2.根据文章内容“Oh, that is easy to answer,” the student said. “Peter was a student here last year. Now, he goes to a different school. You like Peter. Some students think that you are Peter.”可知答案为B



5.根据文章内容Soon after the boys born, one family adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bob’s family never knew about Peter, and Peter’s family never knew about Bob, either.可知答案为C



Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but it was Joan’s turn to look after the sick children. She liked dancing very much, so she felt very sorry for herself.

She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to one little boy, Dickey. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult( 成人). Poor Dickey had a very serious illness, and now he was hardly able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of about himself.

Dickey knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she came to say good-night to him, he greeted her with the words, "I' m very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer(抽屉), you ' Il find a piece of cake. I saved it from my supper today, so it' s quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there, You can buy something to drink with that. And I' d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to,” he added.

Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.

1.Joan felt unlucky that evening mainly because______________.

A. there wasn't a dance ball at the hospital

B. of her unpleasant job

C. she couldn’t look after the sick children  

D. she would miss the big dance

2.Poor Dickey__________________.

A. was a boy of eleven                  

B. had a serious illness

C. was clever at talking though he was very young 

D. all the above(以上全部)

3.Dickey was lovely because______________.

A. he was a sick boy       

B. he could dance with Joan

C. he often thought about other people instead of about himself

D. he could foresee(预知) that he would never get any better

4.Which of the following is not true?

A. Dickey couldn’t walk.

B. Dickey knew nothing about the dance.

C. Dickey could only move his hands.

D. Dickey greeted Joan when she came.

5.At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, probably_______.

A. Dickey got up and danced with her     

B. Dickey brought her something to drink

C. Joan was moved (感动)by Dickey    

D. Dickey lost the dollar which he saved


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