
     A few weeks ago, a group of us decided 1______ (go) abroad together for a holiday. When we 2______
(wait) in the queue at passport control, I suddenly 3______ (realize) that I 4______ (leave) my passport at
home. I rang my parents, but they 5______ (work) in the garden. Luckily, my mother finally heard the phone.
My passport 6______ (find) in my trousers pocket. My mother said, "If you cake a taxi this minute you 
7______ (be) able to get on the plane in time." I 8______ (run) all the way to the plane and when at last I
9______ ( get) on it the other passengers 10______ (start) clapping.
1. to go 2. were waiting 3. realized 4. had left 5. were working
6. was found 7. will be 8. ran 9. got 10. started
    My grandmother was an iron-willed (强硬的) woman. When I was five, she invited some friends to her
apartment. Among the guests there 1             (be) a rich man and his daughter. Grandmother considered
them the most important among the guests.
    During the party, I went to the bathroom. I was still sitting down when the girl walked in. "You 2             
(stay) here too long!"
    "It's not your business. Don't you know that little girls shouldn't come into the bathroom when a little boy 3             (use) it!?" I said in anger. This 4             (surprise) the little girl. Then she started to cry. Most
guests had heard what I said and laughed. But not Grandmother.
    She 5             (wait) for me when I left the bathroom. Grandmother shouted that I was impolite and rude
and ordered, "You 6              (say) sorry to her." All the guests watched in silence.
    Twenty minutes later, Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent (激流) of water
7              (run) out from under the door. Everyone knew who did that. Grandmother was so angry that she
tried 8              (get) file anyway. It took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down.
    My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lap. He looked at me, not at all angry or upset." 9             (tell) me," he asked, "why did you do it?"
    "Well, she shouted at me for nothing." I said seriously "Now she's got something to be angry at."
    Grandfather didn't speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. I 10             never
_______ (forget) his expressions (表情) for my whole life. 
    "Eric," he said at last, "I think you did the right thing."

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