your mind and then get the muscles (肌肉) in your hands and fingers to form those ideas, word by word, on
Now many people have poor handwriting, especially the pupils. The letters they write are not tidy and might
be sized or spaced (分隔) incorrectly. The capital letters might be in the wrong places. Spelling problems can
always be seen in their writing. Sometimes they themselves can't understand the words they wrote.
Some experts think it is not good for the children to learn to write too early. The muscles in their fingers are
not strong enough; their hands may feel painful or tired when they write. So the experts suggest that the parents
and teachers should not let them to write too much at the beginning. Children should do some special exercises
to make the muscles in their hands strong enough. And doing like this can improve their memory. To keep their
hands, bodies or paper in a proper position is also necessary.
B. read them out
C. write some words letter by letter
D. look up the words in a dictionary
B. not correctly
C. not easily
D. not carefully
B. they hurt their hands
C. their fingers are soft
D. the muscles in their hands are not strong enough
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
B. They don't know how to write capital letters.
C. Teachers often ask the pupils to write too much.
D. Many people are good at writing.
