
【小题1】---I found it difficult _________ (get) to sleep during the night.
--- In my opinion, _________ (drink) some milk is good for you.
【小题2】He _________ (arrive) here to spend his one-week vacation next week. I can’t wait.
【小题3】Many people were glad to hear the _________(amaze) new.
【小题4】After traveling America last year, Peter _________(fall) in love with that country.
【小题5】You must believe your teachers, because they have much teaching _________(experience).
【小题6】The shop was ________(close) when we got there yesterday.
【小题7】--- What’s wrong with you? You look so sad today.
--- I _________ (lose) my coat on the playground.
【小题8】Why not think about _________ (go) to a movie with your friends?
【小题9】The welcome party really_________ (surprise) him a lot.

【小题1】to get/drinking
【小题2】is arriving

解析【小题1】此题重点考查句型结构sb find it+adj+ to do sth表示某人发现做某事怎样;动名词短语作主语,谓语用单数形式。
【小题8】think about doing sth表示考虑做某事。


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