
Scientist Stephen Hawking had to work really hard to speak.He chose letters and words from a screen controlled by movements of a muscle in his cheek.However,the slow system he used might soon be replaced.With a very different approach,doctors have found a way to get a person’s speech directly from their brain.

The system uses brain-reading software.It works only for sentences it has been trained on. Doctors at the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF) set out to create a better product, which allows people who are paralyzed (瘫痪的) to communicate more quickly than Hawking’s device,which uses muscle twitches(抽搐)to control a keyboard.

The Study of Brain Activity

The work was possible thanks to three patients.They had epilepsy(癫痫症).This is a condition that has something to do with the nerves.It causes seizures(痉挛).This is when their body suddenly moves on its own.They were about to have surgery(外科手术)for their condition.

Before their surgery,they had a small device placed on their brain for at least a week.It was used to map their seizures.The patients could speak normally,and they agreed to take part in Doctor Chang’s study.The doctor used the devices to record brain activity while each patient was asked nine questions.The patients were also asked to read a list of 24 possible responses.

Using the recordings,Chang and his team built computer models.The models learned to match patterns of brain activity to the questions the patients heard and the answers they spoke.Once trained,the software could identify questions and responses almost instantly.It used only brain signals.It was correct on what question a patient heard 7 out of 10 times.The software identified what response they gave 6 out of 10 times.

Improving Software to Read More Varied Speech

Even with the breakthrough,there are hurdles ahead.One challenge is to improve the software so it can translate brain signals into a variety of speech.This will require software trained on a huge amount of spoken language and matching brain signals.These signals will be different from one person to another.

Another goal is to read “imagined speech”,or sentences spoken in the mind.The system in the study detects brain signals that are sent to move the mouth.However,for some patients these signals may not be enough.More advanced ways of reading sentences in the brain will be needed.

1.From the passage,we can learn that ______.

A.the three patients with epilepsy have difficulty in speaking

B.Stephen Hawking’s system is controlled by his brain signals

C.the patients chose from nine responses to answer 24 questions

D.the brain-reading software can only recognize a few sentences now

2.What does the word hurdles in paragraph 6 mean?

A.Risks. B.Difficulties.

C.Possibilities. D.Disadvantages.

3.The purpose of the last two paragraphs is to _______.

A.tell us the disadvantages of the software

B.present the possible future of the software

C.explain the process of designing the software

D.show the author’s opinion toward the software

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Different devices to help paralyzed people to communicate.

B.Different ways to develop software that can help paralyzed people.

C.Doctors have started to explore software to read people’s brain signals.

D.The study showed the system could translate brain signals into a variety of speech.


How to Keep Your New Year's Resolution?

It is very necessary for you to make a New Year's resolution.Keeping your New Year's resolution should be very _____ so you can be a _____ person.Many people make their New Year's resolutions to stop _____ junk food,to spend more time with their family or to spend _____ time watching television.However,_____ to achieve(实现)your New Year's resolution successfully each year?

Firstly,make a New Year's resolution that is appropriate for(适合于)you.Choose _____ that you know you will keep _____ may be a little difficult for you.A New Year's resolution _____ “watching your favorite television show” or “drinking more coffee” _____ not a good choice.You should choose ______ that will be good for you like “eating more vegetables for ______ every night”.

Secondly,tell ______about your New Year's resolution.And they can help you ______ your New Year's resolution.Your friends and family will give you some help to keep your resolution.

Thirdly,believe in yourself.When you feel like you ______ keep your New Year's resolution anymore,you can tell ______ that you can do it!And you can do it well.

1.A.difficult B.comfortable C.happy D.important

2.A.healthier B.richer C.better D.worse

3.A.eating B.buying C.making D.taking

4.A.more B.little C.less D.much

5.A.how B.whether C.when D.what

6.A.it B.one C.ones D.them

7.A.or B.and C.so D.but

8.A.as B.for C.about D.like

9.A.is B.are C.was D.being

10.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

11.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.meals

12.A.another B.others C.the others D.other

13.A.keep B.find C.start D.make

14.A.needn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.mustn't

15.A.himself B.myself C.yourself D.herself

About ten years ago,a very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a neighborhood street.He was going a little too fast in his new car.

Suddenly,a stone _____ his new car and broke the window.The _____ driver jumped out of the car,caught the kid who threw the stone and shouted: “What are you doing? That’s a new car and that stone you threw is going to cost a lot of money.Why did you do it?”

“I’m sorry for breaking your new car,but I didn’t know what else to do,” the young boy apologized.“I _____ the stone because no one else would stop!”

With tears on his face,the little boy said: “It’s my older brother.He fell out of his wheelchair. Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s too heavy for me to lift him up.” The driver was greatly _____.He quickly lifted the disabled boy back into the wheelchair and _____ to see that he was going to be okay.

“You are a nice man.Thank you,” the little child said.The businessman _____ the little boy push the wheelchair down the sidewalk toward their home.It was a long,slow walk back to the car.

After that,he kept the hole in his window to remind him of this message “Don’t go through life so _____ that someone has to throw a stone at you to get your attention.”

The world sends a message and speaks to our _____.We all have the choice to listen...or wait for the stone!

1.A.hurt B.broke C.hit D.beat

2.A.angry B.upset C.anxious D.lonely

3.A.collected B.threw C.kicked D.dropped

4.A.moved B.encouraged C.excited D.surprised

5.A.went B.stopped C.continued D.checked

6.A.made B.noticed C.heard D.watched

7.A.slowly B.fast C.carefully D.carelessly

8.A.minds B.eyes C.hearts D.ears

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