
词汇运用 根据首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺的单词

61. Here is your birthday ______(礼物 ).

62. How many ______(tooth) does the special animal have?

63. How ______ (happy) the boy with glasses sings!

64. Young people think trainers make them feel ______(comfort).

65. Kitty is in the classroom. She is _____(write) a letter to her friend.

66. Jane ______ (练习) speaking English every morning.

67. People in the West like _______(庆祝) Thanksgiving Day.

68. My hobby is collecting beautiful _______(邮票).

69.Shanghai is a big and _______(现代化的) city.

70. Jay Chou is one of the most ____(受欢迎的) singers in China now.

61 present   62 teeth    63 happily    64 comfortable    65 writing

66 practises/practices    67celebrating  68 stamps   69modern  70popular
