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Chinese names are full of meanings. It is part of the culture. Western people's names are little1. (difference). Let's look at some of the 2. (reason) behind Western names.

If 3. girl from China is called "Mei", we know it means "beautiful". If a boy is called "Wu", we know it means "like a soldier". It .is because of the meaning 4. people choose for the little boy or girl.

Sometimes names 5. (pick) for their meaning in the West, too. If a girl is called "Joy", that means the parents want her to be happy and to bring others 6. (happy). Other times names are chosen because they are traditional一names taken from the Bible(圣经)for example, like Noah , Mathew, Ruth and John.

But in a 7. (west) country, boys and girls are given names for other reasons. The sound is very important. Parents call a girl Jasmine, maybe just 8. they like the sound of it.

Parents will often choose a name because it also belongs. 9. a famous person, such as a pop star, an actor, or a footballer. In the last 10 years many parents 10. (choose) "David" as their boys' names after the footballer David Beckham.


When things aren't going so great, there's a saying to encourage us: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade(柠檬饮料).

That's what 15--year-old Zack Francom has been doing in the past nine years. He does that to improve the lives of people in developing countries. They need wheelchairs but don't have money for there.

It all started in 2010. His school held a fundraiser(募捐会)to raise $86 to buy a wheelchair for a charity. Although Zack was only 6 years old then, he wanted to keep the-fundraising going.

"I thought, `What if I couldn't walk or run or ride my bike? What would that be like?' I wanted to help make life easier for those who couldn't walk or run and didn't have money for a wheelchair to help them get around," he said..

Now hundreds of people line up in April to buy lemonade from Zack's store. In 2014 he sold a lot of lemonade, raising $5,300. With that money he was able to buy 37 wheelchairs at a cost of $143 each and ship them to places like Guam and Guatemala, where a wheelchair can cost more than a person would make in one year!

Lots of people in poor countries have to pull themselves around with their hands and crawl (爬行)to get around, because wheelchairs are too expensive for them.

"We helped one lady in Guatemala who crawled for 10 miles with her baby on her back," said Zack's mom. "What a difference it has made in her life! Stories like this are what keeps Zack going.

Zack has no plan to slow down any time soon. In fact, he hopes other kids will follow him.

1.When was Zack Francom born?

A.In 2004. B.In 2005. C.In 2010. D.In 2014.

2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _________________.

A.how Zack helps the poor B.what Zack does to help the poor

C.where Zack buys the wheelchairs D.why Zack buys wheelchairs for the poor

3.According to the passage, how much can a person in Guam make in a year?

A.Less than $86. B.Less than $143. C.More than $143. D.More than $5,300.

4.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 7 refers to _____________.

A.selling lemonade B.crawling to get around

C.helping the lady D.carrying a baby on the back

It is a sunny day. Alice finds a pair of shoes in a shoe shop. Suddenly the shoes move towards Alice.

“Hey! What’s happening?” Alice shouts.

A loud voice comes from the shoes, “Welcome, my friend. I am magic shoes. Would you like to travel with me?”

“Sounds great! Let’s go,” Alice answers happily.

First they fly high up into the sky and they land in a jungle. It is hot and wet because it is raining. Then they fly to the desert. It’s very hot and dry there. After that they fly to the South Pole. There is lots of ice. Everywhere is white, and it’s really beautiful. Then they fly to a forest. It’s windy there. After a while, they fly to an island in the sea. There is thunder and lightning. Alice is scared. “Ah! Let’s go home!” she cries.

Finally, they fly back home. The shoes land in the shop and Alice gets off. “Wow! What a wonderful experience it is!” she says.

1.When Alice finds the shoes in a shop at first, they suddenly ______.

A.fly into the sky B.move towards her

C.become dirty D.fall off the shelf

2.What is the weather like in the forest?

A.It is hot and wet. B.It is sunny.

C.It is windy. D.It is snowy.

3.How many places do they go?

A.Three B.Four. C.Five D.Six.

4.How does Alice feel during this experience?

A.She is always happy. B.She is always afraid.

C.She is always calm. D.She is happy at first and then afraid.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The weather in the world. B.Alice and magic shoes.

C.A magic weather report. D.Alice’s trip to the forest.

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