
     Use the information in the boxes below to help you write a passage of about 120 words.
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Hope Junior High School:Activity Survey

Activity Every Day 0nce a Week Four Times a Week
Have lessons in groups 70% 5% 25%
Translate and recite texts 60% 20% 20%
Explain grammar and words 80% 0% 15%
Learn from experiments 0% 0% 100%
All students=100% Most students=51%~90% Some students=1%~50% No students=0%
                        What Do Students Do at Hope Junior High School?
                                       What Do students Do at Hope Junior High School?
     Here are the results of the student activity survey at Hope Junior High School. Most students have lessons
in groups every day. Some students have lessons in groups four times a week. Some students have lessons in
groups once a week. As for texts,most students translate and recite texts every day. Some students translate
and recite texts four times a week. Some students translate and recite texts once a week. The results for
"Explain grammar and words" are pleasing too. All students learn from experiments four times a week. No
students learn from experiments every day or once a week.

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