Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。):

Which one loves salt? Which one has a sweet tooth? Look at American president’s favorite food!

◆Bill Clinton: Big Macs

During his two terms, President Clinton has a lot of junk food, though he knows it’s unhealthy. His favorite food is a McDonald’s Big Mac(巨无霸). Once, he even stopped at a nearby McDonald’s for a Big Mac on his way to the White House.

◆George W. Bush: Pretzels

President Bush is crazy about pretzels(椒盐卷饼). In 2002, when he was watching Sunday night football, a piece of pretzel stuck(卡住) in his throat(喉咙). Then the White House medical team(医疗队) rushed in to save the president from choking(窒息).

◆Barack Obama: Chocolates

Although President Obama knows eating healthy food is very important, he still spends a lot of money on chocolates. He even had chocolate cakes which was prepared for his inauguration(就职典礼).

1.George W. Bush was stuck by a piece of pretzel when _______________.

A.he was talking with his mother B.he was watching the Sunday night football match

C.he was saving somebody from choking D.he was working with a man

2.____________ has a sweet tooth.

A.Bill Clinton B.George W. Bush C.Barack Obama D.All of the above

3.Junk food is _______________.

A.healthy food food

C.unhealthy food food

4.Barack Obama spends ___________ on chocolates.

A.a lot of money B.a little money

C.a lot of time D.little time

5.From the passage, we know that _______________________.

A.all the three American presidents like junk food

B.Bill Clinton was saved by the White House medical team in 2002

C.George W. Bush likes the pretzels his mother made most

D.Barack Obama know it is important to have healthy food

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