March 5 is Lei Feng Day. People are encouraged to help others and to learn from Lei Feng.

This year, my classmates and I went to do some cleaning in a street. We finished our work, took photos and talked with some people about their lives. One old lady said she remembered how all students used to do helpful work in the street. Another told us that when she was young, she and her friends would do a lot of simple things to help others. They would help people carry things or fix broken chairs at school.” But things have changed over the years. The young students don't really understand the spirit of Lei Feng,” she continued, “To do good things because they are told to and take photos to put on the school websites.”

Her words made me think. We have been told to do things to help others on Lei Feng Day. But none of the love and care came from our own hearts. We should believe that everyone can make a difference. We don't need cameras or praise(表扬). We can do better if we keep spirit of Lei Feng inside ourselves. “ Learn from Lei Feng” should not be a yearly fad. Everyone should carry out their good behaviors(行为)all year around and we will have a better life.

1.This year, my classmates and I ________ on Lei Feng Day.

A.fixed broken chairs B.did some cleaning C.carried things

2.From this passage, we know people used to do many good things_________. help others get praise take photos

3.Nowadays, many students do good things on Lei Feng Day because________.

A.they care for others B.they are told to do so C.they really want to

4.The underlined phrase ”a yearly fad” in the passage means________.

A.一时的时尚 B.每年的足迹 C.一年的支出

5.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.Students should take photos to put on the website.

B.People need a praise to make a difference.

C.We should do good things in our daily life.

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