Interest is the key to success. A person who is interested in something will devote himself to it. Meanwhile, a big miracle (奇迹) will be made. I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began when I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.

One day in fourth grade, our teacher gave us a ______ in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I thought and thought. Finally I ______ the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his inventions! I liked the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly ______ on my brain.

My dad noticed my interest in inventing and ______ me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad with a model plane I made. Later, we found a similar model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not ______ for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas ______. Failure is a common part of the inventing. And failure can make a positive contribution (贡献) to your life once you learn to use it.

As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always looking for a better way to make his job ______. His guiding hands, together with my ______ in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. It's well known to all that interest plays an important role in one's life. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero. B.project C.lift D.lesson

2.A.ran B.organized C.chose D.managed

3.A.guessed B.printed C.decorated D.examined

4.A.questioned B.judged C.prevented D.encouraged

5.A.unusual B.unlucky C.unfair D.uneasy C.come D.end

7.A.important B.exciting C.simple D.hard

8.A.habit B.story C.plan D.interest

People can reduce, reuse, or recycle waste instead of throwing it away. Matt and Sam decided to do an experiment. They wanted to see exactly how much waste the three R's could save.

First, they collected the rubbish from six classrooms at their school. They divided the rubbish into three groups:

●things that were reusable, such as a pencil or a marker that had been thrown away

●things that could be recycled, such as cans, glass, or paper

●things that were truly waste Then, Matt and Sam weighed each of the three groups. They learned that 84% of the total rubbish thrown away that day could be recycled or reused. They decided to do something about it.

Matt and Sam presented the idea of starting a recycling programme to the school leaders. Then they worked with the Student Council. They prepared brochures (手册) to send home to tell the students and their families about recycling. They stated in the brochure that recycling helps to keep our planet healthy. The school bought colored containers (容器) for each classroom. Each room received a blue container for paper and a green container for glass and cans. They also received a red container for real rubbish.

Within a short time, each classroom in the school was sorting recyclable materials from rubbish before it was thrown. Matt and Sam decided to weigh the rubbish one more time. They wanted to check the school's progress. They collected the rubbish from the red containers from the same six classrooms as before. They sorted the rubbish into three groups again and weighed each group. This time, they were pleased to find that the red containers were filled with 90%waste that should be thrown away. Only 10% of recyclable materials had been thrown into the red containers. Matt and Sam were pleased with their school's effort at reducing waste on our planet.

1.By doing an experiment, Matt and Sam wanted to find out ________.

A.what things could be reused B.what recyclable materials could be saved much waste the three R's could save much waste their school produced a day

2.What did Matt and Sam do in the recycling programme?

A.They made a speech on recycling. B.They wrote a report to the school leaders.

C.They bought colored containers for each classroom. D.They helped students and their families know about recycling.

3.Which word can best describe Matt and Sam?

A.Responsible. B.Friendly. C.Independent. D.Confident.

What are you holding in your hand while you are taking the examination? Right. A pen.

Though it is small, the pen has changed the history, improved the trade of countries, recorded events, carried news, and done far more work for human beings than all other tools.

Progress without it would have been almost impossible. The invention of the wheels, the introduction of steam engine(蒸汽机), the use of electricity, all these have changed the lives of millions of people, but the pen has done more. It has taken away mountains, and it has prepared the way for all progress and development of the society.

In the past the pen did all the work if you wanted to keep any writing for some time. The lawyers took up their pens and wrote the law of the country from the days when papyrus(纸莎草纸) was first used. The most famous letters in the world were written with a pen. It was with a pen that the greatest thinkers of all time wrote down their thoughts.

The pen is very utilitarian. We cannot sign a bill or write a letter or buy a house without our pen. An agreement is worthless till our name is written with a pen. The writers encourage the world with it. The students take their examinations with it as well.

Our coming into the world is recorded with a pen. Before we have been at school, our name is written on the name list with a pen. We cannot be married till we have signed. A pen records the important events in our life.

Let us remember that we hold in our hand the most powerful instrument which man owns. The pen is a magic tool. Whenever you use it, enjoy it.

1.What is the writer trying to do in this passage?

A. Describe what a pen looks like. B. Introduce the history of the pen.

C. Advise people to prepare a new pen. D. Show the importance of the pen.

2.The word “mountains” in the third paragraph refers to(指代) “something to _________ ”.

A. explain the use of electricity B. lower the students’ scores

C. stop the social development D. change the law of the country

3.The lawyers started to write the law of the country _________.

A. before their thoughts were changed B. when papyrus was first used

C. as soon as they recorded their names D. after they took an important exam

4.The underlined word “utilitarian” in the passage means “_________” .

A. cheap B. boring C. special D. useful

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. A Powerful Tool B. An Important Law C. A Valuable Record D. An Exciting Event

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