在即将告别母校的时刻,你想表达你对学校,老师,同学的美好回忆和祝福。请根据下面表格列举的要点,以 The Last moment Held on to(难舍时刻)为题,用英语写一篇短文,表达你对他们的感情。









参考词汇:文化氛围 cultural atmosphere





The Last Moment Held on to

How times flies! We’re just leaving our lovely junior high school. I have so many great memories here of the last three years.

I am proud that_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

All my best wishes to my school and teachers!

Some children were working in a wheat (小麦) field. Some worked hard and some didn’t. But one small boy just ran here and there after the butterflies (蝴蝶) and sang happily.

In the evening, an angel (天使) came and said to the children, “Come now to the gate, and bring your sheaves (小麦捆) with you.”

So the children came, bringing their sheaves, but the boy that had run after the butterflies came empty-handed.

“No one can enter here without sheaves,” the angel told him.

Hearing that, the small boy lowered his head.

Then all the other children cried out together. One said, “Dear Angel, let him in! In the morning I was sick and this boy came and played with me, and showed me the butterflies. Also, he gave me one of his sheaves, and I would give it to him again.”

Another said, “Dear Angel, let him in! At noon I fainted (昏倒) and fell down. This boy brought me water, and then he showed me the butterflies until I felt better. To me he also gave one of his sheaves, and I would give it to him again.”

And a third said, “Just now, as evening was coming, I was tired and I couldn’t go on working. But this boy comforted me, showed me the butterflies, and gave me one of his sheaves.”

And the other children said with one voice, “We also had sheaves of him, dear angel.

The angel smiled, and reached his hand inside the gate and brought out a few sheaves. “Here are his sheaves!” said the angel. “They are known and counted, everyone.” And he said to the small boy, “Lead the way in!”

1.When did the angel appear?

A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon. D.In the evening.

2.The small boy lowered his head probably because ________.

A.the angel was angry with him B.his butterflies all flew away

C.he couldn’t bring enough water D.he felt it hopeless to enter by the gate

3.When a child was ill in the morning, the small boy ________.

A.sang to him B.played with him

C.gave him a butterfly D.brought him some water

4.Which of the following sentences can be put in ?

A.You’re too stupid! B.They are lost!

C.Thank you! D.Let him in!

5.What did the small boy probably feel at the end of the story?

A.Pleased. B.Sad. C.Worried. D.Shy.

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