Live Music---Late Night Jazz

    Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet(号手). He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.

PLACE: The Jazz Club     DATES: 15---23 June

PRICE: ¥100-150        TIME: 10 p.m. till late!

TEL: 4668736

Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.

PLACE: Jack Stein’s      DATES: 10-20 May

PRICE: ¥150           TIME: 7-10 p.m.

TEL: 4021877

Shows---Anhui Museum

There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.

PLACE: Anhui Museum           DATES: 1Mar-30 Jun

PRICE: ¥130                  TIME: Mon-Fri  9a.m-5p.m.  

Saturday  9a.m.-9p.m.

TEL: 4886888

Your pen friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him this E-mail to tell him something about the hotels.


Dates                Prices(a night)

1Oct-31Dec             ¥168

1Jan-31Mar             ¥148

1Apr-30Apr(closed)       ……

1May-31May            ¥188

1Jun-30Sep              ¥208


Prices(a night)






 TEL: 4686788   E-mail: Li

1.If you want to watch dancing, you can call______.

A. 4668736                B. 4021877                 C. 4886888    D. 4686788

2.You can’t see the whole of Chinese history at______ in April in Anhui Museum.

A. 3p.m. on Sunday             B. 11:30a.m. from Monday to Friday  

C. 10a.m. on Saturday            D. 4p.m. on Thursday

3.You can enjoy ______ at Jack Stein’s.

A. American Jazz                 B. Scottish dancing

C. 12,000 pieces on show     D. yourself all night

4.Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for______ months of the year.

A. twelve                     B. ten                    C. eleven         D. nine

5.You have ¥140, and you can ______ in May.

A. watch Scottish dancing    B. go to Anhui Museum                 

C. listen to Jazz           D. stay in Sun Hotel for a night



 Yesterday I was shopping for a few items(物品).With nothing to do at home, my son, who just left university, was ready to go together with me.

  As I pushed the basket towards the register(收银机),I checked my items to see how many I had, thinking I might go to the Express Line(快速通道)where the sign said“Ten items or less”.

  I started to go to that line and my son said,“Mon, you have twelve items!”I said,“You know, but they’re close.” He said,“Why are you in such a hurry to get home? You should go to the Regular Line because you have over ten items.”

  Knowing he was right. I agreed and then pushed the basket to the next line. So I was waiting for my turn there and I was just removing my items from the basket to pay for them when a young man came up behind me in line with two items.

  I just left the Express Line because I had too many and now I really wanted to get finished. Again, my son came up.“Mom, he has only two items and the Express Line is very long now. Won’t you just let him go first?”I agreed, and the young man smiled widely and thanked me several times.

  It felt good to be with my son and have him remind me not to live a hurried life. Do what’s right and also be kind. I really take pride in him.

1. The writer ________ when she was pushing the basket towards the register.

  A. lost something she liked best              B. found her favourite item

  C. checked her handbag                        D. counted the items she had

2.The writer went to the Regular Line because _______.

  A. she had 2 items                            B. she had 12 items

  C. she was in a hurry to get home              D. she wanted to wait for her son

3.Of the following, which order is right according to the story?

  ①prepare to remove the items from the basket

  ②let the young man behind go first

  ③walk towards the Express Line

  ④return to the Regular Line

  A.②①④③      B.④②③①     C.③④①②      D.①③④②

4. If you pay for your items at the Express Line,_____.

  A. you need to help others

  B. you must wait for a long time

  C. you can get finished more quickly

  D. you should buy more than ten items

5.What did the writer learn from her son that day?

  A. Enjoy your life and be kind.

  B. Don’t buy too many at a time.

  C. Try to be friendly to your family.

  D. Never waste time waiting in line.


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