

Putting on a play can be fun. Acting can be like the “let’s pretend and dress-up games children play. Actors pretend(扮演),for a little while, to be other people. They t1. to look like and talk as other persons do.

Professional(职业的) actors take part in plays and television programs given in large cities. They make their .l2. by acting. But other people act in plays just for fun and are not p3. for their work. They are high school or college students and adults who are members of “little theatre” groups. In the d4., they are students, teachers, doctors, lawyers, or police officers. They are actors o5. in the evenings or on weekends.

The little theater groups has a long history in America. One of the o6. groups is in Indiana. They are called the Players Club, and they put on eight plays a year. People in the city buy tickets to see the plays. A7. who wants to act may join the Players Club. Before each play, auditions(试演) are held so that people can try o8. for the different parts. Not all members of the group are actors. People are also needed to h9. with the lighting, clothes and makeup.

There are little theater groups in many cities. They continue to put on plays because they bring p10. to a large number of people. People in a little theater group enjoy having the chance to act, and the audience enjoy watching the plays.


Terry was a middle-aged businessman.He was unsuccessful in career and often complained that he had been fooled by others. One day he told his wife he was_______disappointed(失望的)with the city that he had to leave.

So his family moved to another city.It was Saturday_______When Terry and his wife were busy putting their things in their new home,the lights suddenly_______and they were forced to stop work.Terry was sorry to have_______to bring along some candles.Just then he heard light_______on his door.

“Who is it?” he wondered.Terry knew_______else in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be_______.He opened the door impatiently. At the door was a little_______, shyly asking,“Sir, do you have_______? I’m your neighbor.”“No.”answered Terry angrily.He shut the door__________.

After a while the door was knocked again.He opened it and found the same little girl outside.But this time she was__________two candles radiating(放光)red light.she said,“My grandma told me the__________neighbor downstairs might need candles.She sent me here to give you these”

At that moment Terry suddenly realized what__________his failure in life. It was his indifference(冷漠)and unkindness to other people.The person who had fooled him in life was actually nobody else__________himself, for his eyes had been covered by his__________mind.

1.A.very B.so C.such D.rather

2.A.morning B.afternoon C.noon D.evening

3.A.went down B.went out C.went by D.went on

4.A.wanted B.decided C.forgotten D.remembered

5.A.knocks B.calls C.strikes D.sounds

6.A.everybody B.anybody C.somebody D.nobody

7.A.troubled B.followed C.liked D.1earned

8.A.boy B.girl C.postman D.shopper

9.A.candies B.toys C.lights D.candles

10.A.easily B.worriedly C.happily D.heavily

11.A.bringing B.seeing C.holding D.drawing

12.A.poor B.kind C.new D.young

13.A.made B.caused C.developed D.stopped

14.A.besides B.except C.but D.than

15.A.open B.right C.warm D.cold

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