
Creating public spaces

Jin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. "Of course, I came here for the academic (学术)," she says. "But the campus is so beautiful. I walk around just to relax."

Alejandro Vega, a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. "I never get bored. The park is so big. It's a public space, yet it can feel completely private."

Niagara Falls was on Ross Howard's list of places to visit in upstate New York. "There are these wonderful footpaths that make the falls so close to the general public."

In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in New York City. Frederick Law Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product - the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.

Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, like Stanford University. He also designed footpaths at Niagara Falls to give visitors better views of the falls. In all his work, Olmsted tried to protect the natural beauty of an area.

Today there are new pressures on Niagara Falls: some business want to develop the area, On Goat Island, an island in Niagara Falls State Park, there are now souvenir (纪念品) shops. There may be signs that say "No Littering," but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Olmsted think?

1.Jin Hee Park thinks his university campus is ______ for walking and relaxing.

A.basic B.academic C.attractive D.crowded

2.Alejandro Vega feels ______ when he jogs in Central Park, for it feels private.

A.enjoyable B.bored C.nervous D.surprised

3.Niagara Falls in America was close to the public because of its wonderful ______.

A.lists B.contests C.falls D.footpaths

4."no trip to New York is complete" (in Para. 4) probably means ______.

A.it's not a perfect trip to New York B.we should never go for a trip to New York

C.don't finish a trip in New York D.New York isn't a good place to visit

5.In all of Olmsted's designing products, he tried to ______.

A.design footpaths for better views of the falls

B.protect the natural beauty of an area

C.include landscapes of Stanford University campus

D.rebuild the Central Park in New York City.

6.Which of the following best describes the present situation on Niagara Falls?

A.This area is developed and becomes more lovely.

B.Olmsted expected most of the animals there to leave.

C.People are no longer allowed to visit souvenir shops.

D.Some people are doing learn to the environment.



Growing Pains was on television form 1985 to 1992 in America. This was a total of sevenyears, and it told over one hundred and sixty different stories.

The program was about a family of six who lived on Long Island, near New York City.1.The father was a doctor and the mother was a writer at a newspaper. They had four children. The oldest child was Mike.2.He did really well in the program.

From the start of Growing Pains, Mike was always getting into trouble. He was caught by the police for driving a car too fast. He promised his parents that he would never ride a motorcycle, but then he hurt himself riding one. However, in the last year of the program, he helped a young boy who had no home, and asked his family to help him care for and support the boy, Though his parents were upset because he often broke his promises, the way he cared for this boy made them proud to have him as their son.3.He sometimes did wrong things, but also cared for others and was a warm person.

Perhaps another reason why the program was popular in America is that most of its stories were about normal family problems.4.Like Mike's parents, many parents who work often worry about their children and have difficult decisions to make about them. Even now the show still appears on American TV.

A.Many of the people watching the program had the same problems

B.As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world inside and outside of them

C.He was the main reason for the program's huge success

D.These stories are good examples of the two sides of Mike's nature

E.The parents were a working couple

阅读短文, 根据要求完成文后的题目。

Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a good shop, no assist ant will come near to you and say, “Can I help you?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. You may just try to find out where the book you want is and read it. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any books at all.

There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student found a very useful book in the shop. But it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the school library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read a little at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant singing to him. To his?surprise, the assistant pointed to the book in the corner. “I put it there so that it couldn’t be sold out.” said he assistant. Then he left and the student went on with his reading.

1.Why didn’t the student buy the book? (no more than 6 words)


2.Where was the book that the student was looking for? (no more than 3 words)


3.What do you think of the assistant ? (no more than 4 words)






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