
Having lived in California until 1970,my family has felt a number of earthquakes.We have been fortunate,however,to have suffered no bodily harm or property damage.

There is a website that lists all California earthquakes recorded from 1769 to the present.The site lists the dates and times as well as the magnitude (震级) and the exact location of any quake that measured more than 6.0.There are only a few quakes that stand out in my memory and,luckily,none is shown in the website.So,my personal experience with earthquakes might be considered insignificant.

There are three earthquakes that are difficult to forget.The first one was in 1955 and our oldest daughter was walking with me in our backyard in Redwood City in California.As the shaking became stronger I held her to me with one arm as I held on to one of our fruit trees with the other.All three of us (my daughter,I and the tree) shook for two or three minutes that to us felt like hours.

The second one was in 1963.Our entire family was visiting Disneyland in Southern California.The earth started to shake just as we were beginning to walk from our hotel toward the_famous_landmark.

My third experience with an earthquake was a lonely one in California.It was in my sixties and I was alone in an old church.As the building started to shake,I quickly headed for the door to go outside.I remember I said a little prayer—something like,“Help me get out of here in time,Dear Heavenly Father”.Minutes later,I was safe outside.

1.The author writes the passage mainly to tell us about________.

A.a new film about an earthquake

B.how to survive an earthquake

C.his three earthquake experiences

D.how to save children in an earthquake

2.The earthquakes the author has experienced________.

A.all caused bodily harm             B.are all recorded in a website

C.all measured more than 6.0         D.all happened in California

3.When the first earthquake happened,the author________.

A.was staying with his daughter        B.was planting fruit trees

C.held on to a tree for hours          D.was in a hotel

4.What does the underlined part “the famous landmark” refer to?

A.A church.


C.A building destroyed by an earthquake.

D.The place where the author was born.

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true about the third earthquake?

A.It happened in the author’s sixties.

B.the author succeeded in getting outside.

C.When it happened,the author was in a church.

D.The author was too afraid to walk when it happened.


答案: C

细节理解题。根据第三段的The first was one in 1955...in California和第四段第2句以及第五段的My third experience with an earthquake was a lonely one in California可知答案。

答案: D

细节理解题。根据第三段的All three of us (my daughter and I,and the tree) shook for two or three minutes可知作者和他的女儿共同经历了这场地震。

答案: A

推理判断题。根据Our entire family was visiting Disneyland可知答案。

答案: B

细节理解题。根据I quickly headed for the door to go outside可知作者很快就跑出去了。

答案: D

Amy's family has fun. They mail a diary(日记簿、日记) to each other. Everyone writes something in it. Amy's brother is open. He tells many things about his life. Amy's sister is Lazy. She doesn't write much. Amy's dad writes stories. Her mom is talkative. She writes a lot. Everyone enjoys the diary.

Hello, dear family! I am having a fun week here at The Mall. I had lunch with Pan and Jack on Monday. On Tuesday, I designed a new dress. Yesterday, Tom told me a funny joke. He always makes me laugh!
Hi, everyone! I made a chocolate cake yesterday. That’s Amy's favorite. I wish I could mail you a piece, Amy! It's really delicious.
Today was warm and sunny. Your father and I went for a walk in the park. We also waited your Aunt Betty. She told us some good news. Your cousin John got a new Job! Oh, I'm writing too much, aren't I? We really miss you all. Take care!
Hi, all! Last week I was feeling sad. I had a bad day at work. My boss was angry at me. But the next day was better. I did a good job and my boss was very happy, so I felt better. Sometimes my work is hard. But I am really thankful for my job.
Dear ones, let me tell you a story. A long, long time ago, A man lived a house on a hill. He had a candle. He lit the candle every night. Everyone could see the light. Then one night, something wonderful happened…
Hello! I miss you all. However, I don't have much time to write this week. I'll write more next time.
Bye, everyone!
【小题1】Where do Amy's family members write their diaries?
A.On the same family diary.B.On their own diaries.
C.On Amy's diary.D.On Mother's diary.
【小题2】When did Amy design a new dress?
A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.Yesterday.D.Today.
【小题3】What does the brother think of his job?
A.The job makes him sad.B.The job always gives him pleasure
C.The job is too easy.D.The job is a challenge.
【小题4】What did the mother do today?
A.She made a chocolate cake.B.She did nothing but walk in the park.
C.She got a new job.D.She went for a walk and visited Aunt Betty.
【小题5】What's the best title for the passage?
A.Amy and her family.B.Amy and her diary.
C.A family's diary.D.Amy's father writes stories.
When I was a teenager growing up in Russia, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or get married. I was nervous when I told my father I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, " No! You are going to college. " He took me by surprise when he said, "OK. We'll go to the brick factory. "
Two days later, he took me to the factory. I had a very romantic idea of working in a factory. ' I had imagined everyone to be friends working together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I guess I had watched too many movies as a teenager.
When we arrived at the factory gates, my father spoke to the guard and one minute later we were inside. My father said, "Take your time. Look around." I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was horrible. I ran back to my. father and said, "I want to go home. "
He asked me, "What do you think of the factory?"
"It's terrible," I replied.
"And marriage is even worse!" he said.
I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our trip to the brick factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!
【小题1】 The writer lived in_________ when she was a teenager.
A. Russia B. Japan C. China
【小题2】At first she thought life in the factory would be _       _ than in school.
A. more careful B. more colorful C. more beautiful
【小题3】When she told her father that she wanted to leave school, he expressed his disagreement________.
A. by doing nothing    B. in a special way C. by saying nothing
【小题4】 After they visited the factory, the girl________.
A. decided to work there        B. decided to get married        C. changed her mind
【小题5】The underlined word "horrible" means "_     _" in Chinese.
A. 糟糕的    B. 紧张的   C. 浪漫的

If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming.

    Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty(不确定) in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance.

    When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chances all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school(研究院). Allison knew she wasn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted.

    She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent.

    The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that                     .

A. being out of work is a sad thing               

B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting

C. life in a film is more exciting than real life  

D. chance never appears when we need it

2. What troubles Allison after graduation?

A. She couldn’t find a well-paid job.             

B. She had no money to start a business.

C. She was not sure what to do.                  

D. She didn’t score high enough for graduate school.

3.How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience?

A. Uncertain.        B. Amazed.                      C. Sorry.                         D. Satisfied.

4.What may be discussed in the following paragraph?

A. How to deal with uncertainty.                                   

B. What role uncertainty plays in life.

C. Why people fear uncertainty.                          

D. Whom to go to when facing uncertainty.


When I was a kid, my dad worked in a shop in the center of our town. Sometimes, I went to the shop with him and I made a little pocket money by buying things for his workmates. But I never paid attention to all the things and people around me.

One day, as my dad and I were driving to the shop, I looked out of the window of the car and I saw an old man standing at the street corner. There was a rose in his hand, he was smelling the rose. For some reason, our eyes met and we looked at each other for about twenty seconds. There was nothing unusual about this man but the meet was unusual to me. Up to that moment in my life, I had given no thought to anyone on the street, in shops or anywhere else. I had no interest out of my family.

But I was interested in that old man. For the first time I had interest in a stranger. What kind of life had he lived? Where had he been in his time?

Once a great man encouraged us to “stop and smell the rose”. Now I want to tell these words to you. Stop what you are busy with and try to fully understand things and people in your eyesight. If you don’t care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.

1.How did the writer make a little pocket money?

A.By asking his father to give him.

B.By stealing other’s money.

C.By buying things for his father’s workmates.

D.By asking in the street.

2.What was the old man doing when I saw him?

A.He was selling roses.

B.He was walking in the street.

C.He was talking to the writer.

D.He was smelling a rose.

3.When did the writer have interest out of his family?

A.When he was a kid.

B.When he met the old man with rose.

C.When he went to school.

D.When he went to work.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.If you care about others on your road of life, then you are having your life itself.

B.If you care about others on your road of life, then you are missing your life itself.

C.If you meet an old man with a rose in the street, then you’ll have interest in your life.

D.If you have interest in others, then you are having your life itself.


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