
     Hi! My name is Tina. I'm an English girl. I like sports and my favorite (最喜爱的) one is basketball.
 My favorite basketball star is a Chinese boy. His name is Yao Ming. Do you know him? I have some
 great photos of him. They are on the wall in my room.
     In my room, I have a small sports collection. Look! Three soccer balls are on the desk. Five baseballs 
 are under the chair. On the table are three basketballs. Many ping-pong balls are in my drawer. Do you
  like my collections?
1. Tina likes playing ______ best (最) of all.
    A. basketball
    B. soccer
    C. ping-pong
2. Does Tina have photos of a sports star? ______.
    A. Yes, she does          
    B. No, she doesn't
    C. Yes, but only one
3. Three soccer balls are ______.
    A. under the chair
    B. on the table
    C. on the desk
4. She has ______ in the drawer.
    A. 5 baseballs
    B. 3 basketballs
    C. many ping-pong balls
5. Which sentence is TRUE(正确)?
    A. Tina's favorite basketball star is a girl.
    B. Some photos are on the wall in Tina's room.
    C. Tina has many tennis balls in her room.

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