
along, even, porter, people, traveled, carry, climb, foot, reason, surprised, because, though,        


Around the world, there are some   56  worthy of our deepest respect(尊敬). Consider thinkers and scientists like Lu Xun and Albert Einstein. But the people I admire(钦佩)most are the mountain porters(挑山工)at the Yellow Mountain.

This summer vacation I   57   to the Yellow Mountain with my family. I was impressed not only by the beautiful scenery(风景)there, but also the porters. When I climbed the mountain, I saw porters all   58   the way. They became part of the scenery.

These porters were all short and strong. They   59   many things with shoulder poles(扁担). These things included fruits, drinks, snacks, and   60   bags of cement(水泥)and bricks. Though the heavy things bent(使弯曲)their poles, they didn’t seem to care, and just marched on(前进).

I clearly remember one porter. We saw him at the   61   of the mountain. We took a cable car to halfway up and started   62  . About one hour later, we met that porter again. We were all   63  . He walked more quickly than we had thought possible.

Later I knew the   64  . The porter had a clear goal and did everything to reach it. Because of his efforts(努力), he succeeded.   65   porters may not be as famous as someone like Einstein, we can learn a great deal from them.

56.             57.             58.             59.             60.             

61.             62.             63.             64.             65.            

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