
A. He said he'd be back in an hour.
B. Could I speak to Mr Jackson, please?
C. I'll be at that number until 6:00 pm.
D. Can I take your name and number, please?
E.  I'm sorry, Mr Jackson's out just now.
A: Good afternoon. Dataprint Co.
B: Hello. __1__.
A: Hold on, please, I'II see if he's in, Hello. __2__ Can I take a message or will you call back?
B: Oh,what a pity! When do you think he'll be in?
A: __3__
B: Oh. Could you ask him to call me back as soon as possible?
A: Of course. __4__
B: This is his son, Peter. Could you ask him to call me at 76543217  __5__
A: Very well. I'll give Mr Jackson the message as soon as he returns. Goodbye.