

  All of the people have ambitions.An ambition is something we want to do, want to have, or want to be.A student’s ambition, for example, might be to pass his or her exams.An athlete’s(运动员的)ambition could be to win an important competition.A businessman’s ambition is usually to make a lot of money.

  Not all ambitions are about success at work, however.Some people just want to be good people, have a happy family or help others.

  Ben’s ambition is to be a sports writer.He writes the sports reports for his class newspaper.He likes sports, but swimming and football are his favorites.

  Trudy’s ambition is to be a concert pianist.She is very serious about it and practices every day with her best friend Lily.It is very important to her.

  Harry’s ambition changes every day! One day he wants to be an astronaut.The next day he wants to be a pop singer.Then he wants to drive a racing car.His mother would be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for school every day!

  What is your ambition?



The Chinese meaning of the underlined(划线的)word“ambition”is“________”.

[  ]










What does a businessman want?

[  ]


To pass the exams.


To win a competition.


To make a lot of money.


To get a good job.


What does Ben want to be?

[  ]


A newspaper reporter.


A famous swimmer.


A great football player.


A sports writer.


Why does Trudy practice the piano every day?

[  ]


Because she wants to be a concert pianist.


Because she wants to help Lily.


Because she wants to be a pop singer.


Because her mom tells her to.


What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


Everyone has his or her own ambition.


Harry can’t decide what he wants to do.


Ambitions are about success at work.


Somebody doesn’t have an ambition.



  Languages keeps evolving(进化、发展), and English is no exception.It is a language that embraces(欣然接受)new words that may be cool today but gone tomorrow.

  There are, however, some words and phrases that have stood the test of time.OK, which has become the international standard for expressing agreement, is a good example.

  But why is this rather odd(奇怪的)expression so popular and so useful when we could use any number of other words to say the same thing?

  Writing in The Times, Allen Metcalf, author of OK:The Improbable Story of America’s Greatest Word, writes:“What OK provided that the others did not was neutrality(中性), a way to express agreement without having to offer an opinion.”

  For example, if someone asks you “Shall we go for a walk after lunch?” you can simply respond “OK”.There you go-no extra opinions.Just straight, plain old OK.

  So just where did this rather curious expression come from? The origins of OK have been widely disputed(辩论,争论).Some people have guessed that OK was the name of a person or a product.

  Speakers of many different languages have had their say on this question, keen to claim the term as their own.

  Writing an article for London’s Metro newspaper, Metcalf states:‘O and K are present in every language of the world, as expressions that can be abbreviated(缩写)OK.” For example:French-“O qu-oui”, “yes indeed”; German-“Ohne Korrektur”,“ without correction needed”; and in Latin or Greek, “Olla kalla”, “all good”.

  But, does it sound a little too informal with this popular little expression?

  Apparently not.

  In a speech where he stated that his election(当选)would not be a radical(激进的)result to all problems, President Obama said:“…even though I am president…, AI-Qaida is still a threat(威胁)and that we cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything’s going to be OK,” he said.

  So, there you go, straight from the president.It’s OK to say OK, and thanks to the expression’s widespread usage across the world, you can be understood anywhere.


Using the example of Obama, the author wants to show that _________.

[  ]


there is still a long way to go to defeat Al-Qaida


Obama likes to use OK when he speaks


OK is widely used even on formal occasions


the use of OK is encouraged in formal speech


According to Allen Metcalf, OK differs from other terms to express agreement, which of the following opinions is true?

[  ]


It is easiest way to say.


It doesn’t need emotion.


It is the most commonly used.


It doesn’t use in the formal speech.


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Why OK is OK everywhere?


It’s OK to say OK in the world.


Where did OK come from?


Everything is going to be OK.


  Everyone has worries.How do you deal with your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried.Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won't solve your problems.

  Grades at school are often a top worry for kids.ff you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions:

  ●Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?

  ●How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?

  ●Do I have a good place to do my homework?

  ●Have I tried different ways of studying?

  If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down al! the things you could do-write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on.Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.

  You can ask for help when you're worried.You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.


What do kids often worry most about?

[  ]


Their hobbies.


Their homework.


Their marks at school.


A fight with their friends.


According to the passage, when you're worried, you'd better _________.

[  ]


work hard


talk to someone


get ready for class


write down your worries


If you're worried about grades, DON'T ask yourself "_________".

[  ]


Why are grades important?


What do grades mean to me?


How do I get ready for class?


Why not give up my studies?


If you had a fight with a friend, you could _________.

[  ]


invite him or her to watch a game


put the blame on him or her


try to make new friends


leave him or her alone


What does the passage mainly tell us?

[  ]


Who is often worried.


When people are worried.


How to deal with worries.


What kinds of worries people have.


  How do you feel if you make a speech in front of the whole class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get relly shy?

  Shyness meansfeeling nervousor frightened when you are around other people.Expert s(专家)have found that more than 80 percent of the middle school students feel afraid to be the center of the attention.Some kidsare born shy.Some become shy later because of the living experience s.

  It'sOK if it takesyou a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people.In fact, everyone getsa little shy sometime s.It'sju st a case of how much.

  Most people have red facesand talk in brokensentenceswhen they get shy.But some become too shy and they won't go to a re staurant because they are too nervousto order and pay for their food.Some are afraid of meeting new people, so theyseldom go out side.Thiskind of shyness can be bad for a per son.

  If shyness doe sn't stop you doing what you want to do, being shy isn't a very big problem.Some expertssay shy people are cleverer because they think more and talk less.Shy people are also good at working with othersbecause they think more for other people.Some great people in history were shy, too.

  You see, being shy isn't all bad.But remember-don't let good opportunity(机会)pass by ju st because of it! If you have to sing at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There isnothing to be afraid of.


The underlined phrase " to feel yourself again" means________.

[  ]


to find yourself


to be yourself


to enjoy yourself


to help yourself


What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage?

[  ]


You find yourself hard to enjoy yourself at a party.


You feel a little nervouswhen you go to a new place.


Youseldom go out side, afraid of meeting new people.


You have a red face when you are a sked to an swer a que stion in class.


Ifyou have to practice your spoken English in class, ________.

[  ]


ju st do it


ju st refuse to do it.


you'd better ask someone to help you.


tell your teacher you are shy to do that


We can infer(推断)from the passage that ________

[  ]


kidsare born shy


you can't change yourself


shy people can al so be successful


shy people are not good at working with others.


What'sthe be st title of the passage?

[  ]


Are you too shy?


Think more for others.


Find out what you are like!


Once he was shy ju st like you!


  Entering a university is an important part of a person's life.Today,many people go to study and train for future jobs in subjects like law(法律),medicine or education.But the university is not a modern invention.It has a history that is over a thousand years.

  The world's oldest university,AL-Azhar,is in Cairo,Egypt.It was first built as a mosque for religion(宗教寺院)in A.D.972.A few years later,learners and teachers began meeting in the mosque.They read and talked about the subject of law.Around 988,leaders in the city of Cairo decided to open up a school for higher learning and the University of AL-Azhar was founded.

  At AL-Azhar,there were many university“firsts”.Different subjects were set up.The earliest ones taught at AL-Azhar were law and religion.In a course, students read and studied with the teacher,but there was also free discussion.Of-ten,students and teachers talked about a topic(题目),and there was no“right”answer.Finally,famous teachers from around the world came to AL-Azhar to teach and do deep studies on the subjects they were interested in.At the university,people studied the past,but it was also a place for exchanging new ideas.

  Over a thousand years later,AL-Azhar is still an important university in the world.Its library keeps more than 250 000 of the world's oldest and most valuable (有价值的)books.Today,many of the world's most important universities such as Oxford and Harvard still follow the traditions started at AL-Azhar.


From the first paragraph we know that ______.

  A.universities are important to the city life

  B.the university is a quite new invention

  C.university education may help a person find a job

  D.the university has a history of a thousand years

[  ]


AL-Azhar was first built for ______.

  A.education  B.religion

  C.a meeting   D.law

[  ]


Which of the following are the earliest subjects taught in the University of AL-Azhar?

  A.Education and medicine.  B.Religion and law.

  C.Free discussion.     D.History and tradition.

[  ]


Choose the right order according to the passage.

  ① Then the heads of the city thought of the idea for a school for higher learning.

  ② One of the earliest subjects taught there was law.

  ③ A mosque was built in Cairo in A.D.972.

  ④ Teachers from around the world came to the university to study and teach.

  ⑤ The mosque was used as a meeting place for teachers and learners.

  A.③④①②⑤  B.④⑤①③②

  C.②③①④⑤  D.③⑤①②④

[  ]


Which of the following is not true about the University of AL-Azhar?

  A.AL-Azhar was built in the city of Cairo in Egypt.

  B.AL-Azhar didn't become a university until the year around 988.

  C.The University of AL-Azhar was a place to change ideas.

  D.Now AL-Azhar is still one of the famous universities in the world.

[  ]


  Alice was twenty-three years old, and she was a nurse at a big hospital.She was very kind and all of her patients(病人)liked her very much.

  One day she was out shopping.She saw an old worn-an.The woman was waiting to cross(穿越)a busy street.Alice wanted to cross the street, too.So she went over to

help the woman cross the street.When Alice was near her, she suddenly laughed and said,“Mrs Green!You were my patient in hospital last year.”

  Mrs Green was very happy to see her.

  “I will help you cross the street, Mrs Green,”Alice said.

  “Oh, thank you very much, Alice,”Mrs Green said and she stepped(走)forward(向前).“No, no, Mrs Green,”Al-ice said quickly.“Wait!The light is still red.”

  “Oh,”Mrs Green answered when she stepped back.“I can easily cross the street by myself when the light is green.


Was Alice old or young?

[  ]


She was old.


She was young.


No, she wasn't.


Yes, she was young.


Did her patients like her?

[  ]


No, they didn't.


Yes, they liked her a little.


Yes, they liked her a lot.


Sorry, I don't know.


Did Alice know Mrs Green?

[  ]


No, she didn't remember.


Yes, she did.


No, she didn't.


Sorry, I don't know.


When did Mrs Green want to cross the street?

[  ]


When the light was green.


When the light was on.


When the light was off.


When the light was red.


When did Alice want her to cross?

[  ]


When the light was on.


When the light was red.


When the light was off.


When the light was green.

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