
Every place offers the possible dangers for getting hurt, even staying at work. We may face dangers like walking into desks or chairs, receiving unexpected cuts from a paper knife and so on. Industrial jobs have similar and more dangers like getting body parts hurt by machines or falling from a height.

No one wants to get hurt. Some accidents are avoidable(可避免的). Most accidents  happen because of common things seen every day—an open desk drawer, a chair pulled out too far, water on the floor and so on. We slowly get used to these things we see every day and never think about what they could possibly become in the future.

 Think about the following to prevent dangers to yourself and others:

 1. If there is something you see and know may become a danger for yourself or others, do      something about it. Close a desk drawer, clean up or put a sign over the water, turn off the power before leaving, and so on.

2. Get extra persons’ help and support on a task that is too hard for a single person.

3. Study the situation and think what could possibly happen and change if necessary. Do it before something happens and you won’t have to say some day, “ I should have… How sorry I feel…”

To use an old phrase “ Safety is everyone’s duty.” Looking down on it could lead to being hurt. Keep the rule in mind every day “ Everyone wants to go home in the same condition they came to work in –or better.”

Title:__ 1.____ at Work

___2.___ dangers

There are some dangers like tripping, unexpected __3.___ by a paper knife.


  1. Most accidents are __5.____ by the common things seen every day.

  2. Get used to ____6.____we can see every day and never think about the dangers.




  1. Turn off the power before you ____7.__.

  2. Get extra persons’ help and support if the task is too difficult for you to finish on your ___8.____.

  3. Make some  ____9.___ based on the situation.


Safety on the job is ___10.__duty.







4.Reasons / Causes








1.考查名词。文章主要是讲工作中遇到或者面临的危险以及如何保证自己的案例,在最后一段中提到To use an old phrase “ Safety is everyone’s duty安全是每个人的责任,所以这是说工作中的案例问题,故用Safety

2.考查形容词。根据第二段中提到We slowly get used to these things we see every day and never think about what they could possibly become in the future.我们习惯于我们看到的东西,从来没有想到未来所出现的可能的事情。There are some dangers like tripping有一些危险,这都可能存在的,所以用Possible

3.考查名词。原句重现。根据第一段提到We may face dangers like walking into desks or chairs, receiving unexpected cuts from a paper knife and so on.你会面对很多危险比如用裁纸刀可能会割伤,所以填cuts。

4.考查名词。根据第二段提到的Most accidents  happen because of common things seen every day—an open desk drawer, a chair pulled out too far, water on the floor and so on许多事故发生是有许多原因,故填Reasons / Causes。

5.考查动词。根据第二段提到的Most accidents  happen because of common things seen every day许多事故由每天所看到的普通的事情引起发生的,所以事故 由。。导致,所以填写caused.

6.考查宾语从句。原句重现。根据第二段提到We slowly get used to these things we see every day and never think about what they could possibly become in the future我们习惯于每天所看到的事情,从来不会想他存在的危险。These things用 what we can see 所取代做to的宾语。故用what。

7.考查动词。根据倒数第四段中提到的Close a desk drawer, clean up or put a sign over the water, turn off the power before leaving在离开之前,关上抽屉,给杯子盖好,关掉电源。Before leaving 等于 before you leave.故用leave。

8.考查固定短语。句意 如果对于你独立完成比较困难的话,寻求别人的帮助。与文中倒数第三段提到Get extra persons’ help and support on a task that is too hard for a single person是一致的,on one’s own,单独地。故用own。

9.考查名词。在倒数第二中提到Study the situation and think what could possibly happen and change if necessary研究一下当时的状况并且想想可能发会的情况。所以Make some  ____64___ based on the situation以情况为基础做出变化,故填写changes.

10.考查代词。根据文中提到Safety is everyone’s duty安全是每个人的责任。原词重现,所以填everyone’s。



One day, when my wife and I were leaving a restaurant, I heard a man's voice from a car in the car-park. After a quick look at the ear, 1 noticed the Pennsylvania license plate (牌照) at once, so I knew they had come from far away. The young man had his head partly out of the window and spoke to me as I moved closer, "Excuse me, my wife and I are trying to find a room for the night and every place in the area seems to be filled up. Do you have any suggestions for us where we might find a room?"
Well, that didn't surprise me. After all, it was the busy time of the year for tourism. As he spoke, I noticed that his wife was pregnant (怀孕的). 1 told them that they should just keep searching (搜寻) and wished them good luck in their search. The young husband didn't say any other word and backed out of the car-park and headed off. We also got into our car and drove home.
After a short drive, I couldn't get this young couple out of my mind. Here they were, traveling in a different state, tired, the wife pregnant. It was at that moment that my wife told me we needed to go back and find that couple. We went back and looked for them. We even went as fat as the mountain. I'm happy that this story had a happy ending. We found them in the end, gave them a room, and now we are close friends.
【小题1】The main problem the young couple had was that they couldn't_______________.
A. find a place for the night              B. find a doctor
C, find their way                         D. afford to stay at a hotel
【小题2】When the writer told him to keep searching, the young husband____________            .
A.was very happyB.continued to ask other questions
C.thanked him and drove awayD.said nothing and drove away
【小题3】We can reach a conclusion from the passage that______________ .
A.the writer didn't agree with his wife
B.the writer's wife was a kind person as well
C.the writer had no trouble finding the young couple
D.the young couple found a room in a hotel in the end

One day, when my wife and I were leaving a restaurant, I heard a man’s voice from a car in the car-park. After a quick look at the ear, 1 noticed the Pennsylvania license plate (牌照) at once, so I knew they had come from far away. The young man had his head partly out of the window and spoke to me as I moved closer, "Excuse me, my wife and I are trying to find a room for the night and every place in the area seems to be filled up. Do you have any suggestions for us where we might find a room?"
Well, that didn’t surprise me. After all, it was the busy time of the year for tourism. As he spoke, I noticed that his wife was pregnant (怀孕的). 1 told them that they should just keep searching (搜寻) and wished them good luck in their search. The young husband didn’t say any other word and backed out of the car-park and headed off. We also got into our car and drove home.
After a short drive, I couldn’t get this young couple out of my mind. Here they were, traveling in a different state, tired, the wife pregnant. It was at that moment that my wife told me we needed to go back and find that couple. We went back and looked for them. We even went as fat as the mountain. I’m happy that this story had a happy ending. We found them in the end, gave them a room, and now we are close friends.
【小题1】The main problem the young couple had was that they couldn’t_______________.
A. find a place for the night              B. find a doctor
C, find their way                         D. afford to stay at a hotel
【小题2】When the writer told him to keep searching, the young husband____________            .

A.was very happyB.continued to ask other questions
C.thanked him and drove awayD.said nothing and drove away
【小题3】We can reach a conclusion from the passage that______________ .
A.the writer didn’t agree with his wife
B.the writer’s wife was a kind person as well
C.the writer had no trouble finding the young couple
D.the young couple found a room in a hotel in the end

London is a very large city with about 7 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work or school?
In London you can travel around the city by subway, bus, taxi or private (私人的)car. The subway runs under the city. It goes to all parts of the city. Traveling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.
The second way to travel about the city is by bus. It is a slower way to travel. This is because the road traffic is always heavy.
You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to the every place you wish to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”
The last way to get around London is using your own car. It is inconvenient(不方便的) if you are driving in the “rush hour”. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.
The best time to travel around the city is from 9 am to 4 pm. This is the time after the morning “rush hour” and before the evening “rush hour”. Traffic will be less heavy during this time.
【小题1】 How many ways are there if you travel around London ?

【小题2】 What is the fastest way to get around London ?
A.Traveling by bikeB.Traveling by train
C.Traveling by subwayD.Traveling by bus
【小题3】 What’s the advantage of traveling around London by taxi ?
A.It’s fast
B.You can go wherever you want to go
C.It’s cheap
D.You can visit the city easily
【小题4】The underlined words “rush hour” mean ________
【小题5】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.The cheapest way to travel around London .
B.Life in London
C.Rush hour in London
D.Transport in London

New York City is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work and school?

In New York you can travel by subways, bus, taxi and private (私人的) car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.

The second way to travel is by bus. It is a slower way to travel.

You can also travel by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to every place you want to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.

The last way is to use your private car. It’s not good to drive during the “rush hour”. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.

The best time to travel is from 9 a.m to 4.pm . Traffic will be less crowded during this time because most people are already at school or at work at that time.

1.How many ways of travelling are mentioned (提到) in the passage?

A.Two              B.Three            C.Four             D.Five

2.The word “rush hour” in Chinese means _____________.

A.高峰时间.         B.匆忙时间          C.冲刺时间         D.繁忙时间

3.The fastest way to travel in New York City is ________________.

A.by bus            B.by subway         C.by taxi            D.by private car

4.From the last paragraph we know that in New York City ____________.

A.there is no “rush hour” from 9.am to 4 p.m.

B.traffic is heavy at noon.

C.most Americans have lunch at home.

D.people go to work and school at 9:00.

5.Why do so many people go to work or school by subway, taxi, bus and private car?

A.Because New York City is a modern city.

B.Because New York City is a very large city.

C.Because New York City is new.

D.Because the people in New York City are very busy.


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