

A) 连词成句将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出

【1】coin two has every sides


【2】of sister dogs is afraid your


【3】online Jenny does shopping like


【4】shopping doesn’t we if go rain will it


【5】computer it to is pleasure play games



【1Every coin has two sides.

【2】Is your sister afraid of dogs?

【3Does Jenny like shopping online?

【4】If it doesn’t rain we will go shopping.

【5】It is pleasant to play computer games.



【1Every coin has two sides.句意:事物都有两面性。Every每一,后面用单数形式,two二,后面用复数形式,结合句意填Every coin has two sides.

【2】Is your sister afraid of dogs? 句意:你的妹妹害怕狗吗?害怕做某事:be afraid of sth.;结合句意可知填Is your sister afraid of dogs?

【3】Does Jenny like shopping online? 句意:珍妮喜欢网上购物吗? 网上购物:shop online;like doing sth.:喜欢做某事。结合句意可知填Does Jenny like shopping online?

【4】If it doesn’t rain we will go shopping. 句意:如果不下雨我们将去购物。If引导的状语从句,主将从现。结合句意可知填If it doesn’t rain we will go shopping.

【5】It is pleasant to play computer games. 句意:玩电脑游戏令人愉快。It+adj.+to do sth.:做某事是什么样子的;结合句意可知填It is pleasant to play computer games.



After finishing medical school in 2004, then 21-year-old Yuan Dong came to work at Luohe Welfare House(福利院), Henan Province. He started his work if ___________ the sick children.

As the only child of his ___________, Yuan grew up not as a little emperor(皇帝) like many mother children born after the 1980s.

My parents were ____________ with me. I did not get whatever I wanted I was a kid. Thanks to that, I didnt need to see a ____________ since my parents didnt allow me to eat many candies, Yuan recalls.

His work in the welfare house has made him grow. My work has turned me to a ____________ person. What I have learned here taught me to be more different from others, which changed ____________ a lot.

____________ here all have congenital(先天性的) diseases, and our welfare house takes the job of raising them and giving them medical ____________. Their ages are from 1 to 19 years old.

In a word where people often set _____________ goals for different time in life, Yuan has kept doing the same thing for nine years, never thinking of ___________. He says there is still a lot for him to learn from his job, and there is a lot for him to do for the poor children.

1A. taking care of B. teaching C. looking for D. examining

2A. home B. house C. family D. room

3A. happy B. strict C. careful D. angry

4A. teacher B. driver C. dentist D. policeman

5A. better B. worse C. richer D. poorer

6A. us B. them C. him D. me

7A. Boys B. Girls C. Children D. Adults

8A. room B. care C. money D. work

9A. difficult B. easy C. the same D. different

10A. giving up B. giving off C. giving away D. giving out

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