Mr. Dong was our science teacher. On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about an animal that died out during the lee Age. He passed around with a skull (头盖骨) in his hand as he talked. We all took notes and later had a quiz.

When he returned my paper. I was shocked. There was a big red “X” through each of my answers. I had failed. There had to be some mistakes! I had written down exactly what Mr. Dong said. Then I realized that everyone in the class had failed. Thinking this achievement would be recorded in our report, we all got angry. But Mr. Dong refused to make a change. What had happened?

“Very simple.” Mr. Dong explained. There had never bee any such animal. All the story was made up by himself. So what we wrote down in our notes was the refore incorrect. Did we expect marks for incorrect answers? Hearing his explanation, we realized that be hadn't given us any useful facts, such as its living habit and particular body characters.

Mr. Dong said teachers and textbooks are not always dependable. In fact. no one is. So we should find out the truth by ourselves instead of accepting what the text or the teacher said blindly, He told us not to let our mind go to sleep and to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.

Every class was an adventure (冒险) with Mr. Dong He never let as off the hook until we had proved not only that we learned what be taught but also that we had the courage to stand up for the truth.


1.How did Mr. Dong give the first science class?

A.By describing orally. B.By doing experiment.

C.By watching closely. D.By discussing together.

2.The writer was greatly surprised when he go back his paper because__________. of his answers was wrongly marked B.some of his classmates passed the test

C.he did as the teacher said yet he failed D.he didn't write as he was taught in class

3.Why did all the students fail in the test?

A.Because they didn't catch the main idea. B.Because they misunderstood the teacher.

C.Because their notes were not completed. D.Because they were given the wrong information.

4.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph has the closest meaning to“_______”

A.get interested B.go to class C.get away D.graduate

5.What did Mr. Dong try to teach his students through the test?

A.They weren't encouraged to listen carefully. B.They should learn to doubt what was taught.

C.The text books were mistakenly written. D.Students weren't as wise as their teachers.

Some of the animals and birds in the forests, such as monkeys and woodpeckers (啄木鸟), live in the trees. They are always flying from one tree to another to look for food among the leaves and branches (树枝). They even sleep in the treetops so they do not have to come down to the ground. Do you know the reason for it? Yes, people want wood, paper, and land. So many animals and plants are dying. If we do not do something to stop it, we will have no forests one day. It is bad for us. We should not use too much paper in our study or work. We should also plant more trees, because planting more trees can give these animals home and food. Animals are our friends. We should take good care of them to make our world better and better.

1.According to the passage, why do some of the animals and birds always fly from one tree to another?

A.To have fun B.To get food

C.To do exercise D.To look for friends

2.Animals and birds in the rainforests are having a lot of problems, because __________

A.they are not good. B.they want to leave forests.

C.people cut down too many trees. D.people don’t like planting trees.

3.We can help the animals if we __________.

A.use less paper and plant more trees more houses

C.cut down more trees hard

4.From the passage we can learn that __________.

A.animals are not important B.trees are important for animals

C.animals don’t need much food D.all the animals live in trees

5.What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?

A.Don’t use paper any more. B.Don’t build houses any more

C.There will be no animals on the earth D.People should help animals.

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