
  I have tried many ways to be ill.I don’t wear a sweater when I should, and two days ago I walked in the rain without my shoes.But so far nothing has happened.Debbie once told me about a boy in her class who liked being away from school.He would rub(擦)the end of the thermometer(温度计)until it went up to 39℃.Then he’d put it in his mouth and his mother would think he was really ill.

  This morning I tried doing that but it never went above 35℃ and I rubbed it for ten minutes.So I held the thermometer next to the light on my desk and it went up to 40℃.I thought I’d put it in my mouth and walk downstairs like that.Then my mother would take it out and she would be worried when she saw that I was rather ill.

  The only trouble was I didn’t know the thermometer would be so hot.As soon as I put it into my mouth I burnt my tongue!I spit the thermometer out.It fell on the floor but it didn’t break.

  I will have to think up a better way to get my mother and father back together.


Why did the writer walk in the rain without her shoes two days ago?

[  ]


Because she had no money to buy a pair of shoes.


Because she thought it interesting to walk


Because she forgot to put on her shoes when she left home.


Because she hoped she could be ill in this way.


According to(根据)the passage, which of the following is true?

[  ]


The boy in Debbie’s class helped the writer a lot.


The boy in Debbie’s class knew everything.


The boy in Debbie’s class didn’t like going to school.


The boy in Debbie’s class was not healthy.


After the writer rubbed the thermometer, it went to ________.

[  ]










Why did the writer spit the thermometer out?

[  ]


Because it smelled terrible.


Because it was too hot.


Because it was too long.


Because it was broken.


The writer tries to be ill because ________.

[  ]


she wants to stay at home


she wants her father and mother to come back together


she wants to ask her father for some money


she wants to see a beautiful nurse

A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor (编辑).   1  the story was returned to her. The lady   2  . She wrote to the editor, “Dear Sir, Yesterday you sent back a story of   3  .   4   do you know that the story is not good? You didn’t read it. Before I sent the story I posted ()together pages 8, 9 and 10. This was a test to see   5  you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were   6  posted together. Is this the way you read all the stories  7  you?”

The editor wrote back, “Dear Madam,   8  when I open an egg I   9  eat all the egg

  10  that it is bad.”

1. A. In a few weeks                    B.After a few weeks

C.A few week later                     D.A few weeks before

2. A. was happy                         B.was excited

C.was angry                              D.was surprising

3. A. my                              B.yours

C.mine                              D.someone else

4. A. How           B.What          C.Whether       D.How fast

5. A. when            B.do            C.where          D.whether

6. A. already           B.still            C.not            D.never

7. A. that are sent to                      B.that is sent to

C.that send to                          D.what people send to

8. A. In breakfast                        B.At breakfast

C.When breakfast                     D.Having breakfast

9. A.needn’t to                          B.don’t have to

C.haven’t to                         D.didn’t have to

10.A.to look          B.to look for      C.to invent       D.to discover


A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a station. They sat ___1_____ each other. “What's that in your bag? ”asked the young man, pointed to a big bag beside the ____2____ . “Money, nothing but money, ”answered the old man. The young man could ____3____ believe his own ears. “What? ”he said to himself in surprise. “So much money? My God! How I ___4_____ to be able to get so much money! ”Then he began to think about how to get the money.

  The old man ___5_____ tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. “Are you tired, sir? ”asked the young man. “Then you'd better lie down on the ____6____ and have a good rest. Don't worry about ___7_____. I'll wake you up in time.”

  “All right. It's very kind of you, young man.”The old man lay down and ____8____ he fell asleep.

  The young man took the big bag gently. ____9____ when he was just going to run away, he found a corner of his fur coat was ____10____ the old man's body. Several times he tried to put it out, but he couldn't. At last he took off his ___11_____ and went away with the bag.

  The young man ran out of the station as quickly as his ___12_____ could carry him. He reached a place, and there he thought the old man couldn't ___13_____ him. He stopped and quickly opened the bag.

  To his surprise, there was ____14____ but old newspapers in it. He hurried to the station at once. But when he got there, he found the old man was ____15____ .

( )1. A. for        B. on               C. next to           D. far from

( )2. A. man       B. station            C. driver            D. comer

( )3. A. surely      B. really            C. nearly            D. hardly

( )4. A. like        B. love             C. hate             D. wish

( )5. A. was       B. felt              C. looked           D. became

( )6. A. ground     B. floor              C. earth              D. chair

( )7. A. the bag    B. the money          C. the bus            D. me

( )8. A. by and by   B. at last             C. at first           D. in the end

( )9. A. So       B. And             C. But              D. Because

( )10. A. above     B. over             C. under             D. in

( )11. A. shoes     B. shirt             C. coat               D. cap

( )12. A. legs     B. foot             C. friend            D. bike

( )13. A. watch    B. notice            C. find             D. meet

( )14. A. anything   B. everything          C. nothing            D. something

( )15. A. waiting   B. going             C. crying            D. leaving



   In the doctor’s waiting-room, ___(1)___ men and women were sitting on their chairs. Bob, a schoolboy, was among them. They all looked very ___(2)___ except Bob. He was deep in an ___(3)___ story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say he was ready for the ___(4)___person. Bob jumped and ran into the doctor’s room.

   “What’s your ___(5)___?” said the doctor. Before Bob could not say a word, the doctor made him ___(6)___ down on a bed, “ Now let me listen to your ___(7)__ .” Bob tried to speak, but the doctor told him not to say anything. “I’ll ___(8)__ your temperature.” Bob tried to sit up, but the doctor stopped him. After a moment, the doctor said, “Well, boy, you don’t have ___(9)___. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with you.”

   “ I know there isn’t.” said Bob. “ I just came here to get some ___(10)___ for my father.”

(1)                           [   ]










 (2)                           [   ]










 (3)                           [   ]










 (4)                           [   ]










  (5)                            [   ]










  (6)                           [   ]








D.to lie      


  (7)                            [   ]










  (8)                            [   ]










  (9)                           [   ]




B.a fever   


C.a cough


D.a headache      


 (10)                            [   ]










Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to __3__ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.
  When I came back with the coffee, There was someone __5__ in the next seat. __6__ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and __7__ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!
  Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didn’t want to have any __8__. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in __9__.Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.
  The boy gave me a strange look, then __11__ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something __12__ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!

  1. A. stole          B. bought       C. sold       D. wrote
  2. A. went         B. sat           C. seated     D. looked
  3. A. sit            B. seat          C. lie        D. laugh
  4. A. pushed       B. took         C. put       D. pulled
  5. A. jumping      B. playing        C. sitting     D. sleeping
  6. A. He          B. It           C. Who       D. What
  7. A. cut           B. washed      C. covered    D. colored
  8. A. coffee        B. trouble        C. chocolate    D. matter
  9. A. carelessness    B. anger          C. surprise    D. happiness
  10. A. first         B. second        C. very       D. last
  11. A. stood       B. took         C. cried     D. looked
  12. A. strange      B. wrong         C. OK       D. funny
  13. A. and          B. but          C. so        D. while
  14. A. spelt        B. corrected       C. made     D. found
  15. A. finish        B. leave          C. jump      D. shop

As everyone knows, there are many  31  of transportation in the world, like bicycles, buses, ships, trains and  32  .
  If you are in big 33 like Shanghai or Beijing, maybe you get to school 34  subway; or you have to  35  to school because you live in a mountain village. Here I am just trying to say something about 36  .
  Ten years 37 , bicycles were very 38 in most villages. 39  family had one or two of bicycles. Children got to school by bicycle; women 40 bicycles to go shopping. Then motorcycles (摩托车)  41  to become popular. People no longer rode bicycles because motorcycles ran much  42  .But now, in some countries bicycles are highly suggested  43  the main means of transportation. They think buses, cars and motorcycles pollute(污染) the air but bicycles  44  . So, to live a low-carbon life, riding a bike is a good  45  .
31. A. kind          B. kinds            C. mean            D. way
32. A. other             B. others           C. the other         D. another
33. A. cities          B. countries         C. villages           D. countryside
34. A. on           B. by              C. in              D. of
35. A. on foot        B. walk             C. walks            D. runs
36. A. bicycles       B. motorcycles       C. buses           D. cars
37. A. later          B. before           C. ago             D. after
38. A. cheap B. important C. expensive D. popular
39. A. All           B. Both             C. Every            D. Most
40. A. rode          B. ride             C. rided            D. rides
41. A. begin             B. began           C. begun           D. start
42. A.fast           B. faster            C. slow            D. slower
43. A. for           B. in                  C. at                  D. as
44. A. not           B. don’t            C. doesn’t           D. didn’t
45. A. way          B. road                C. route               D. kind

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