

Do you know Taiwan, the biggest island of China? Do you want to visit there? We’ll show you the best Taiwan island on a four-day tour.


    Only ¥3000


Round-way(双飞) plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.

Bus service around Taiwan.

Best tour guide service.


Sun and Moon Lake

A beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call the lake the Sun and Moon Lake.

Ali Mountain

The nearest mountain around Sun and Moon Lake. A nice experience(经历)to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.

Peng Lake

A great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.

Gao Xiong

A full day to go shopping.

Book (预定)now

Office hour:

Monday—Friday:   9:00am­­­—7:00pm

Saturday:          9:00am—4:00pm

Tel:  6459-9561

Sold out this month

Book by phone now for next month

1.If you join the tour on September 5th, you will be back on _________ .

A.September 7th                          B.September 8th

C.September 11th                         D.September 10th

2.How many main places are you going to visit if you take the tour?

A.three            B.four              C.five              D.six

3.Which is the best title for this advertisement?

A.Taiwan is Part of China.

B.Take the time to learn in Your Holiday.

C.The Biggest Island of China.

D.Come and Join Us for Your Holiday.








1.根据We’ll show you the best Taiwan island on a four-day tour.描述,可知这是一次为期四天的旅行,故再九月五日动身,应该在九月八日返回,选B。

2.根据Places一栏描述,可知这次旅程主要去四个地方,Sun and Moon Lake日月潭;Ali Mountain阿里山;Peng Lake澎湖;Gao Xiong高雄四个地方,故选B。






Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal (偷) the bell on his neighbor’s door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.
Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, I’ll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won’t be able to hear the noise.” The next day he went to the door of his neighbor, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbor came running out. “Steal my bell? I’ll teach you a lesson (教训),”the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered (感到疑惑).
【小题1】The thief was trying to get         .

A.his neighborB.his neighbor’s doorbell
C.some cottonD.a door with a bell on it
【小题2】The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would be       for him to steal the doorbell.
【小题3】 The neighbor ran out probably (很可能) because_________.
A.he knew his doorbell was being stolen
B.he thought someone was eager (渴望的) to visit him
C.He realized (意识到) something strange happened
D.Both B and C
【小题4】 The neighbor hit the thief to ________.
A.give him lessonsB.punish (惩罚) him for stealing
C.help him with the bellD.be his teacher
【小题5】 Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The thief understood why he was hit on the nose.
B.The thief knew why the neighbor came out.
C.The thief thought the neighbor could not hear the bell.
D.The thief didn’t want to know why the neighbor ran out just at the time he stole the doorbell.

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