


1.A.Wei Hua had a lot of homework.

B.Wei Hua didn't go to the zoo because she finished her homework.

C.Wei Hua didn't go to the zoo because she had to finish the homework first.

2.A.Li Lei isn't at home, but he will be back soon.

B.Li Lei is out and he will not be back soon.

C.Li Lei is at home and will be out soon.

3.A.Tall and short are opposites.

B.Tall is opposite.

C.Short is opposite.

4.A.I would like to buy a ticket for you.

B.I would like to buy you a ticket.

C.I would like to borrow a ticket from you.

5.A.I got a letter from my friend last Friday.

B.I wrote a letter to my friend last Friday.

C.My friend came to see me last Friday.



16.A.Yes, he is.

B.No, he isn't.

C.Yes, he was.

D.No, he wasn't.

17.A.Her parents.


C.Her mother.

D.Her father.

18.A.Because she was tired.

B.Because she was ill.

C.Because she hated doing that.

D.Because of the rain.

19.A.On Friday.

B.On Monday.

C.On Tuesday.

D.On Thursday.

20.A.He is twelve.

B.He's thirteen.

C.He is eleven.

D.He is sixteen.


21.Ali had to work from morning till night and had no time to write a letter to his wife by himself.

22.Ali went to a letter-writer to ask him to write a letter for him, and the letter-writer began to write at once.

23.Ali was puzzled when the letter-writer asked him the question,“Does the letter have to go far?”

24.When Ali went to the letter-writer for help one night, it was quite late, so the letter-writer was a bit angry.

25.After the letter-writer wrote the letter and got the money, Ali went away quickly.



  Ⅰ.1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A

  Ⅱ.6.Jim 7.John 8.have 9.picnic 10.with 11.meet 12.gate 13.bring 14.not 15.Sam

  Ⅲ.16.B 17.D 18.D 19.D 20.B

  Ⅳ.21.F 22.F 23.T 24.T 25.F


  Ⅰ.1.Wei Hua didn't go to the zoo because she had too much homework to do.

  2.Li Lei isn't in, but he will be back in a moment.

  3.The opposite of tall is short.

  4.Let me buy the ticket for you.

  5.My friend wrote a letter to me.

  Ⅱ.Jim:Hello!Is that John?

  Sam:Sorry, he isn't in now.This is Sam.Can I take a message?

  Jim:Yes, please.This is Jim.Lin Tao, Kate and I are going to have a picnic at the Children's Park this Sunday.

  Sam:Good idea!When are you going to leave?

  Jim:At half past seven.And we'll meet outside the school gate and go there by bus.We hope he can go with us.Please tell him to bring some food with him and not to be late.

  Ⅲ.16.W:Excuse me.Could I speak to Mike, please?

  M:Sorry, he's gone to the library.

  Q:Is Mike in?

  17.M:Happy Birthday, Kate!Here is my present for you.

  W:Thanks, Dad.

  M:And this is also for you.A nice kite.

  Q:Who sent Kate a kite?

  18.W:Oh, my God!It's raining hard.I think I can't go out for the picnic.

  M:Yes, but you can make it tomorrow.


  Q:Why can't she go out for the picnic?

  19.M:It's Tuesday today.Don't forget the car show the day after tomorrow.

  W:Thanks.I won't.I'll be in time for it.

  Q:When will be the show?

  20.W:Look!This is my son Peter.He is thirteen now.He is good at math.

  M:He looks like you so much.

  W:Yes, he is all my life.

  Q:How old is Peter?

  Ⅳ.Ali was working a long way from home.One day he wanted to post a letter to his wife, but he couldn't read or write, and he had to work all day, so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late at night.At last he found the house of a letter-writer.

  The letter-writer was still in bed.“It is late,”he said.“What do you want?”“I want you to write a letter to my wife,”said Ali.The letter-writer was not pleased.He thought for a few seconds and then said,“Does the letter have to go far?”

  “Why did you ask me such a question?”asked Ali.

  “Well, my handwriting is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, you'll have to pay me a lot of money.”Ali went away quickly.




1.A.He puts all the apples in the second basket.

B.Two baskets now have apples in them, but the third one doesn't have any in it.

C.He puts three apples in all the baskets.

D.Two apples are in two baskets, so he has four apples.

2.A.The Browns flew to Paris.

B.The Browns lived in Paris.

C.The Browns have gone to Paris by plane.

D.Mr Brown has gone to Paris by plane.

3.A.I'm not going to school tomorrow.

B.I'm still ill at home today.

C.Today I can go to school.

D.I'm at school now.

4.A.The child cried again a moment later.

B.The child went on crying a moment later.

C.The child stopped to cry a moment later.

D.The child stopped crying a moment later.

5.A.What can I do for you?

B.Can I help you?

C.Could you help me?

D.What would you like me to do?



(  )6.Monday


(  )7.Tuesday


(  )8.Thursday


(  )9.Friday


(  )10.Saturday












12.A.Yes, she is.

B.She is out.

C.No, she isn't.

13.A.Because it doesn't work well.

B.because he likes doing it.

C.Because he has much time.

14.A.Lucy is.

B.Lily is.

C.The boy is.




16.A.No, he didn't.

B.Yes, he did.

C.I don't know.




18.A.He read a book.

B.He did his homework.

C.He saw films.

19.A.The twentieth row.

B.The twenty-second row.

C.The twelfth row.

20.A.At home.

B.In the street.

C.In the classroom.

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