

66. ---What club do you want to join?

   ---I _________________(擅长打篮球). I want to join the sports club.             (be)

67. ---Why didn’t your grandfather go to school when he was young?

   ---Because he was ___________________(太穷而不能上学).                  (too)

68. ---What should we do first?

---Let’s go to see _______________________(孩子们是否已经睡着了).         (fall)

69. ---Do you often shop online?

   ---Yes, of course. I think more and more teenagers ______________________(将对网上购物感兴趣).                                                        (take)

70. ---I’d like to live in Henan Province.

   ---Really? Then you _____________________(你得习惯于每餐吃面条).        (use)

71. ---Do you know the old lady?

---No. ________________________(但是她使我想起了去世几年的奶奶).   (remind)

72. ---Why did Tom call you this morning?

---He told me ______________________(我去年买的那部手机已经修好了).     (repair)

66. am good at playing basketball

67. too poor to go to school

68. if (whether) the children/kids have fallen asleep

69. will take an interest in shopping on line (online shopping)

70. have to be used to eating noodles

71. But she reminds me of my grandmother who has been dead for several years

72. the mobile phone that (which) I bought last year had been repaired


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