

I’ve never been late for school, but yesterday I came very   1  .My alarm clock didn’t go   2   and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out.I had to really rush.I took a quick shower, and had some breakfast, and then ran off to the   3    4  , by the time I got there, the bus had already left.I started walking, but I knew I couldn’t get to school   5   time.Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came   6   his dad’s car and they gave me a   7  .When I got to school, the final bell was   8  .I only just made it to my class.


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bus stop




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     "I've been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in   1    it?" said the old
     John took over the papers from her shaking hand and   2    her in chair. He remembered her rich   3   
 in the early days of the Old West. He looked through the papers. "It's good, Grandma," he said gently.
Then realizing that she   4    hear him, he shouted into her ears, "I think it's very good. I'll   5    it to a
     Ten days later, he reported that the publisher had had time to read only a few    6   . But he was so
impressed that he had sent $ 100 for an option (版权).  7    money would be given as an advance.
Every month John   8    $100 for her with a letter from the publisher telling about the progress of the book.
     One morning, three months after her 100th birthday, Grandma didn't get up. The doctor told her that
she couldn't   9    more than a few days. She was ready to go, but she first wanted her book to be in print. John promised that she could get it very soon.
     Grandma held on until the day the book came into her hands with the title and her name on the cover.
Though she couldn't see it, she could touch it . She proudly traced (探查) her name with her fingers, tears
in her eyes. Two hours later, she died peacefully,   10   holding her book.
     Her granddaughter took up the book and opened it. "Why, it's just blank pages!" she cried in _11  .
John's face turned   12  . Then the girl understood. There never was a book. Grandma couldn't hear the
little bell when the typewriter came to the  13   of the line. She would keep on working, not   14   the
whole sentences and sometimes the paragraphs were missing. John did not tell her, for he couldn't take
away her only hope. It was John himself who had written the letters and sold his car to pay the advance.
(      )1. A. buying  
(      )2. A. sat     
(      )3. A. sufferings
(      )4. A. couldn't
(      )5. A. throw   
(      )6. A. words   
(      )7. A. Some   
(      )8. A. brought  
(      )9. A. die     
(      )10. A. still
(      )11. A. anger
(      )12. A. white
(      )13. A. middle  
(      )14. A. writing
B. publishing  
B. put       
B. experiences
B. needn't    
B. put        
B. sentences  
B. Much        
B. took        
B. stay        
B. yet        
B. joy        
B. red        
B. last        
B. knowing    
C. reading
C. placed   
C. thoughts 
C. mustn't
C. send     
C. pages   
C. Enough   
C. gave     
C. last     
C. always   
C. surprise
C. gray     
C. end     
C. thinking
D. lending    
D. seated    
D. family     
D. doesn't
D. lift      
D. books      
D. More      
D. carried    
D. remain    
D. then      
D. tears      
D. pale      
D. beginning  
D. wanting    

     "I've been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in __1__ it?" said the old
     John took over the papers from her shaking hand and seated her in a chair. He remembered her rich
 __2__ in the early days of the Old West. He looked through the papers. "It's good, Grandma," he said
 gently. Then realizing that she__3__ hear him, he shouted into her ears. "I think it's very good. I'll send it
 to a publisher (出版商)."
     Ten days later, he reported that the publisher had read a few__4__ . He agreed to publish it, and he
 had paid $100 for the copyright. __5__ money would be given as an advance (预付款). Every month,
  John brought her$100 with a letter from the publisher telling about the progress of the book.
     One morning, three months after her 100th birthday, Grandma didn't get up. The doctor told her that
 she couldn't __6__ more than a few days. She was ready to go, but she first wanted her book to be in
 print. John promised that she could get it very soon.
     Grandma held on until the day the book came into her hands. She proudly touched her book with her
  fingers, tears in her eyes. Two hours later, she died peacefully, __7__ holding her book.
     Her granddaughter took up the book and __8__ it. "Why, it's just blank pages!" she cried in surprise.
 John's face turned __9__. Then the girl understood. There never was a book. It was John __10__, who
 couldn't take away her grandmother's only hope, had written the letters and sold his car to pay the
(     ) 1. A. borrowing
(     ) 2. A. advice  
(     ) 3. A. couldn't
(     ) 4. A. words  
(     ) 5. A. Some    
(     ) 6. A. die    
(     ) 7. A. still  
(     ) 8. A. closed  
(     ) 9. A. white  
(     ) 10. A. herself
B. publishing
B. experiences
B. needn't  
B. letters  
B. Much      
B. stop      
B. yet      
B. opened    
B. red      
B. himself  
C. reading  
C. thoughts  
C. mustn't  
C. pages    
C. Enough    
C. last      
C. always    
C. turned on
C. grey      
C. him      
D. lending      
D. family        
D. wouldn't      
D. books        
D. More          
D. remain        
D. then          
D. turned off    
D. yellow        
D. her          
     "I've been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in reading it?" said the old lady.
     John took over the papers from her shaking hand and  1   her in chair. He remembered her rich  2  in the
early days of the Old West. He looked through the papers. "It's good, Grandma," he said gently. Then  3  that
she couldn't hear him, he shouted into her ears,"I think it's very good. I'll send it to a publisher."
     The days later, he reported that the publisher had had time to read only a few  4 . But he was so impressed (留下深刻印象) that he had sent $ 100 for an option (版权). More money would be given as an advance
(预付款). Every month John  5  $100 for her with a letter from the publisher telling about the progress of the
      One morning, three months after her 100th birthday, Grandma didn't get up. The doctor told her that she
couldn't  6  more than a few days. She was ready to go, but she first wanted her book to be in print. John
promised that she could get it very soon.
     Grandma  7  on until the day the book came into her hands with the title and her name on the cover.  8  she
couldn't see it, she could touch it. She  9  traced (探查) her name with her fingers, tears in her eyes. Two
hours later, she died peacefully,  10  holding her book.
     Her granddaughter took up the book and opened it. "Why, it's just blank pages!" she cried in  11 . John's
face turned red. Then the girl understood. There never was a book. Grandma couldn't hear the little bell when
the typewriter came to the end of the line. She would keep on working, not  12  the whole sentences and
sometimes the paragraphs were missing. John did not tell her, for he couldn't take away her only hope. It was
John himself who had written the letters and sold his car to pay the advance.
(     )1. A. pushed  
(     )2. A. problems
(     )3. A. searching
(     )4. A. words   
(     )5. A. brought 
(     )6. A. die     
(     )7. A. went    
(     )8. A. Though  
(     )9. A. angrily 
(     )10. A. still  
(     )11. A. anger  
(     )12. A. writing
B. put       
B. experiences
B. forgetting
B. sentences 
B. took      
B. stay      
B. kept      
B. Before    
B. proudly   
B. yet       
B. joy       
B. knowing   
C. met      
C. thoughts 
C. imagining
C. pages    
C. expected 
C. last     
C. carried  
C. Unless   
C. sadly    
C. always   
C. surprise 
C. thinking 
D. seated    
D. family    
D. realizing 
D. books     
D. posted               
D. remain    
D. held      
D. If        
D. politely  
D. ever      
D. tears     
D. practicing
     I've never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didn't   1  , and by the time I woke
up, my father had already   2   the bathroom and I had to wait for him  3  . I had to really rush .I took a   4  shower, had
some breakfast, and then ran off  5  the bus stop.  6  , by the time I  7  there, the bus had already left .I started walking,
but I knew I couldn't get to school  8  .   Luckily,  my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad's car and they gave
me a  9  . When I got to school, the final bell  10  . I only just made it to my class.
(     )1.A. break down  
(     )2.A. gone into    
(     )3.A. get out      
(     )4.A. quick        
(     )5.A. in          
(     )6.A. Luckily      
(     )7.A. arrived at  
(     )8.A. on time      
(     )9.A. bike        
(     )10.A.was ringing  
B. go off    
B. go into  
B. come out  
B. quickly  
B. at        
B. Unluckily
B. reaching  
B. at times  
B. car      
B. ringing  
C. went off    
C. left        
C. to leave    
C. slow        
C. to          
C. Unfortunate
C. got to      
C. sometimes  
C. ride        
C. rang        
D. get off        
D. came into      
D. to come out    
D. slowly        
D. into          
D. Happily        
D. got            
D. on times      
D. drive          
D. rung          

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