

Helen Rice is a great film star in England. She’s got a ten-day holiday. She says, “I always have a holiday in America.(1)这次我要做不同的事情。China is a big country, and lots of people can speak English. Oh, I’m going to have a holiday in China.” Helen is going to take the plane to China. (2) First she’s going to walk up the Great Wall.

Then she’s going to visit Tian’anmen Square. She’s going to enjoy Chinese food in the restaurant, too. Oh, Helen likes swimming. She also (3) ______ enjoy the sun and the sea on the beach. “I’m going to stay there for five days. I’m going to have a relaxing holiday. A great holiday! I can’t wait!” Helen says.







A. looks forward to B. plans to C. gets ready for

4.What is Helen going to do on the beach? (根据短文回答问题)


5.Is Helen going to visit the Forbidden City? (根据短文回答问题)



Richard Sears was unknown in China until 2012, when his story of spending all his money studying Chinese characters was reported online.This caught people’s eye. They gave him the nickname“Uncle Hanzi”.

Sears was once a computer engineer in the USA.When he was young, he developed an interest in Chinese characters. In 1972, when Sears was only 22, he decided to learn Chinese. He bought a one-way ticket to Taiwan, China to begin his study.

After several years of studying, Sears still found writing Chinese characters difficult. One piece of advice he received was to learn the evolution (发 展) of Chinese characters, because it could help him remember them. Since then, Sears has made his own research to study how Chinese characters were formed, and built up his own database (数据库).

In 1990, he came up with the idea of sharing the etymological (词源的) information of Chinese characters on the website. In 2002, Sears made the website free for anyone who was interested. Just by typing a Chinese character on his website,people can find out the shapes and evolution of the character.

“Many people think I am crazy — spending all my money and time on the website. But for me,it’s just an interest,”Sears said. Years of living in China has turned“Uncle Hanzi”into“Grandpa Hanzi”, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the love Sears has for Chinese characters.

1.When did Sears begin to study Chinese? (不超过 10 个词)


2.How did Sears learn writing Chinese characters? (不超过 15 个词)


3.What makes Sears keep studying Chinese characters? (不超过 10 个词)


We usually see ancient plants or insects in amber(琥珀). But recently, a group of researchers found something unusual in amber — a feathered tail!

The tail includes bones, soft tissue and even feathers. It is 37 mm long, which is about the length of a matchstick. It looks like a plant at first sight. But researchers later identified(确定) it as part of the tail of a dinosaur that couldn’t fly almost 100 million years ago.

Xing Lida of Beijing’s China University of Geosciences discovered the amber in a market in Myanmar in 2015. “It is an amazing fossil(化石) and the finest details of feathers can be seen in 3-D.” he said.

The researchers note in their paper that this finding is particularly special because, although dinosaur feathers have been found in amber before, we don’t know which dinosaurs they came from. But this time researchers know more.

The tail is likely to belong to a tiny dinosaur called coelurosaur. Famous coelurosaurs include the T-rex(霸王龙) and Velociraptor(迅猛龙) — the latter of which would finally evolve into birds.

So with the “once in a lifetime” finding, can we hope for the possibility of a real Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园)? In the movie series, scientists bring dinosaurs back to life by getting their DNA from blood found in amber.

But Canadian scientist Ryan Mckellar said that although soft tissue and blood of the tail were found in the amber, no genetic material was kept. “The Jurassic Park answer is still a ‘no’ — this is in the science fiction.” he said.

1.What do you know about the amber?

a. It is about 100 million years old. b. It was discovered in Myanmar.

c. It was discovered this year. d. It is a valuable fossil.

A.ab B.bc C.ac D.bd

2.What does the underlined phrase “evolve into” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.come into B.break into C.grow into D.get into

3.The movie Jurassic Park is mentioned to ________ .

A.talk about the use of DNA in this area B.call on people to watch it

C.compare different dinosaurs D.talk about science fiction

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