

  In Chicago, a computerized system has been developed that controls(管理)traffic on the city’s 235 miles of seven expressways.Now one-a controller-can follow the movement of Chicago’s traffic by looking at a set of lights.The system uses electric sensors(感应器)that are built into each expressway, every half a mile.Several times a second, the computer receives information from each sensor and translates it into green, yellow or red lights on a map in the control room.A green light means traffic is moving forty-five miles an hour, yellow means thirty to forty-five miles an hour, and red means heavy traffic-cars standing still or moving less than thirty miles an hour.

  “See that red light near Austin Avenue?”the controller asked a visitor.“That’s a repair truck fixing the road, and the traffic has to go around it.”At the Roosevelt Road entrance to the expressway, the light kept changing from green to red and back to green again.“A lot of trucks get on the expressway there,”the controller explained.“They can’t speed up as fast as cars.”The sensors show immediately where an accident or a stopped car is blocking the traffic, and a truck is sent by radio to clear the road.The system has lowered the number of accidents by 18 percent.There are now 1.4 deaths on Chicago’s expressway for each one hundred million miles traveled, while in other parts of the county there are 2.6.

  Traffic experts say that the Chicago system is the “coming thing”.Systems like Chicago’s are already in use on some expressways in Los Angeles and Houston.“Chicago has taken the lead,”said New York City’s traffic director and he added,“Chicago’s a good example.”



The passage is mainly about ________ on expressways in Chicago.

[  ]


the traffic control system


the movement of the traffic


the electric sensors


the traffic lights


When the cars move under 30 miles an hour, ________ on the map in the control room.

[  ]


the red light appears


the red light turns yellow


the yellow light appears


the green light turns red


According to the passage, we may learn ________.

[  ]


some visitors are traveling on the expressway


there is no heavy traffic on Chicago’s expressways


the traffic on Chicago’s expressways is well managed


the number of accidents in the US has dropped by 18%


In Paragraph 2 the underlined word “it” refers to ________.

[  ]


the red light


the truck that needs repairing


the traffic


the truck that is fixing the road


The writer writes the article mainly by ________.

[  ]


giving reasons and results


giving examples and explaining them


describing what he thinks


asking and answering questions





根据文章第一段最后一句可知答案为A the red light appears.




根据上文可知此处it代替“the truck that is fixing the road”。





    Mr and Mrs Green do not often go out in the evening, but one Saturday, Mrs Green says to Mr Green, "There is a good film at   the cinema tonight. Shall we go to see it?"

    Mr Green is quite happy about it. So they went, and both of them enjoy the film.

  They come out of the cinema at 11 0'clock, get into their car and begin driving home. They see a woman running along the road very fast, and a man is running after her. So Mr Green drives the car very slowly near the woman and says to her, "Can we help you?"

  "No, thank you." the woman says, "My husband(丈夫)and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one must wash the dishes at home!"


  1. Mr and Mrs Green goes out _____ one evening.

[  ]

  A. to see a film       B. to drive a car

  C. to run along the road   D. to take a walk

  2. _____ enjoy the film.          

[  ]

  A. Mr Green       B. Mrs Green

  C. Mr and Mrs Green   D. Everybody there

  3. Mr Green wants to _____.          

[  ]

  A. drive the car slowly   B. help that woman

  C. run along the road    D. look at the woman

  4. That woman ____.              

[  ]

  A. wants to get help   B. is running back home to wash dishes

  C. is running for fun  D. doesn't want to do the washing

  5. Mr and Mrs Green _____.          

[  ]

  A. don't help the woman       B. run after the woman

  C. help the woman wash the dishes  D. are afraid to help her


  One day, Mr and Mrs White received two theatre tickets for a wonderful concert. They were very pleased because the tickets were hard to get. But they couldn't know who sent the tickets. The person didn't write his name and address in the letter.

  The Whites called all their friends in order to find out who sent the tickets, but none of them did so. And nobody knew who itwas. They couldn't help(情不自禁)wondering who sent the tickets.

  That evening, husband and wife attended the concert. It was nice performances, but they couldn't enjoy it properly because they were still worrying about where the tickets came from.

  When they returned home from the theatre, they found most of their things stolen(偷). On the table was a note. It said, "Now,you know who sent you the tickets."


  1. One day, the Whites got two tickets from a friend of theirs.

                        (  )

  2. Mr and Mrs White made telephone calls to all their friends to find out who it was.

                        (    )

  3. The concert was not at all interesting.

                        (    )

  4. Their things were taken away while they were out.

                        (    )

  5. Mr and Mrs White were quite clever and careful.

                        (    )

  6. This story is a lesson(教训)we should remember.

                        (    )


  No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him. As the centuries(世纪) went by, he made more and more new words, This is what we mean by language.

  People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in

the world. Each has many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, has four or five hundred thousand words.  But before you leave school you will learn only a few thousands more. Then you should learn more and more words. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your  dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.


1. The main idea of the first paragraph is ______.  


[  ]

A. how animals make sounds

B. how man made words

C. man heard different sounds round him

D. man made more and more words

2. About how many different languages are there in the world?


[  ]

A. 150  B. 1500  C. 5000  D. 500

3. A very large English dictionary might have over ______ words.


[  ]

A. 400,000  B. 50,000  C. 40,000  D. 800,000

4. After you leave school, you should learn ______.


[  ]

A. only a thousand words  B. all the words

C. more words         D. all kinds of languages

5. If you want to know more new words, you can ______.


[  ]  

A. read many difficult books  B. read easy books

C. written easy English     D. look them up in your dictionary

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