

( )51. You can eat many different kinds of foods from all over the world if you go to the      .

A. Flag Theater                      B. Red Star Cinema                     C. Zhongshang Park

( )52. You can       on Saturday afternoon.

A. enjoy many wonderful activities

B. see two exciting American movies

C. enjoy a rock concert

( )53. “All For You” is      .

A. an American film                B. a music group                  C. a rock band

( )54. A student should pay       if he goes to Happy Club on weekends.

A. 20 yuan                                   B. nothing                            C. 25 yuan

( )55. Maybe these ads are from      .

A. a daily newspaper                     B. a junior high school          C. a science book



People in Haiti have a devastating(极具破坏性的) earthquake. Though some of them were prepared, many were not prepared. They did not know what to do if there was an earthquake. Most people do not know what to do because they don’t experience it every day. If you live in an area where an earthquake is possible, you must be sure you know how to stay safe if an earthquake were to happen. What should we do when an earthquake comes.

First, prepare an emergency pack(急救包), including food, water and a first-aid kit(急救药箱). Put a flashlight, some batteries clothing and some money in the emergency pack. Put this emergency pack in a safe place.

Second, if you are inside, drop to the ground at once. Stay away from glass, windows, doors or anything that fall on you. Cover your head with a pillow(枕头) until the earthquake passes. If you are already outside, stay outside. Move away from tall buildings, bridges, streetlights and trees. The safest place is an open field. Stay there until the earthquake is over and all of the shaking stops.

At last, you can help others before yourself. If you see someone in danger, get your emergency pack and help them out.


How to stay safe when an earthquake comes

Before the


Prepare an emergency pack

☆ Put a flashlight, some batteries clothing and some money in the emergency pack.

81                                                             .

During the


Be inside

82                                                             .

☆ Stay away from glass, windows, doors or anything that fall on you.

83                                                             .

Be outside

84                                                             .

☆ Stay an open field until the earthquake is over and all of the shaking stops.


☆ 85                                                                                   .


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