
A. One of the best English-spoken movies
                         Harry Potter
      Study English while(当) seeing an exciting andthrilling movie.
      6:00 p. m.  Saturday &- Sunday only
      New Time Cinema
B. The great documentary
                       Deng Xiaoping
     Three hours' movie shows you the stories of  the great man-Deng Xiaoping.
      7:00 p. m.  every day
      People's Cinema
C.  A sad love story happened between a beautiful
      young woman and a ...
      An English-spoken movie. Scary? Romantic?
      Come and see it at 2:00 p. m. Sunday in the
     Youth Cinema.
D.  Jackie Chan's another new movie
                Peak Time
      Excited every minute.      .
      5:00 p. m.  Tuesday &- Wednesday
     Century Cinema
E.  Zhao Wei and Zhou Xingchi play
                  Shaolin Football
     Sunday morning, Oscar Cinema
F.  This documentary tells you the things in the
             World War II
    Monday 10:30 a. m.
    The Great Wall Cinema
     _________1. Jim likes action movies and comedies.
     He doesn't like romances. But hi sister Kate likes romances very much. She also likes action movies.
Jackie Chan is her favorite Chinese action movie star.
     _________ 2. Mr. Smith and his wife are very busy.They are only free on Saturday and Sunday.
They want to see something funny.
     _________3. Lucy and Lily from the USA are in China with their parents for their holiday. They
want to see a movie fo children, but they don't know an Chinese.
     _________4. Mrs. Li wants to go to a movie with her family. But it is not easy for her to  decide
(决定 ) which  movie  to  see, because her husband likes thrillers but she likes romances, and she als
wants their children to learn some English words.
    _________ 5. Mr. Wang works in an evening school,and he goes to work every evening. He likes
history(历史)a lot. He likes to know the real things.
     A terrible explosive noise was heard, immediately followed by strong shaking of the classroom building. Mrs Li Lan, a country school teacher in Sichuan, who was giving a class, could hardly keep on her feet,
and many of her pupils made panic cries. Mrs Li realized at once that it must be a powerful earthquake
hitting the area. Though she herself was scared, she managed (设法) to make the children calm down,
opened the door right away and told the children to leave the classroom and get down to the playground
as quickly as possible.
     When all the children had left, she followed them to the first floor. The earth still kept moving violently (剧烈地). Some of the buildings nearby were falling down, and a great number of falling stones were
rolling down from the hills behind the school. Suddenly, she found a little boy fell over and was hit by a big stone right on his body. She forgot the danger she was facing and ran over, trying to push the stone away. The stone was so big that it was not easy for her to move it. She kept pushing until the boy was pulled out, carrying him to the center of the playground. The boy was later sent to hospital and saved.
1. What kind of disaster (灾难) happened in the story?
__________________________________________________ .
2. What were the children doing when the disaster happened?
__________________________________________________ .
3. What was Mrs Li's action when she saw the boy under the stone?
__________________________________________________ .
4. Did Mrs Li fear death in the face of great danger?
__________________________________________________ .
5. What do you want to say after you finish reading the story?
__________________________________________________ .
    A strange restaurant called Dalu Robot Restaurant  openedin Jinan on December 13th, 2010. It is
strange because thewaiters there are most robots.And it is the first robot restaurant in China.  
    There are six robots working in thisrestaurant. Two of them send food and drinksfor people, two of
them take care of thecustomers and the other two give theirperformances to customers. They can take
careof about 100 customers at the same time.  
    The 21 tables are set in circles and therobots follow a fixed route to serve diners inrotation (轮流).  
After  serving,  the  robotsreturn to the kitchen to refill their carts for thenext round.    
    These robot waiters are from Dalu ComputerCompany. This company has designed(设计) many
    Wang Changyi, Head Chef of Dalu RobotRestaurant, said, "These robots work well inthe restaurant,
and people like them, becausethey can give better service than real people.Humans can be impatient.
But these robotsdon't get tired, they just keep working andmoving round and round. And customers
won'tbe shy to order things again and again. " "Therewill be more than 40 robots working in ourrestaurant
later. "
1. What do the robots do after serving?
2. How many customers can the robots take  care of at the same time?
3. Why do people like robots in the restaurant?
4. Choose the meaning of the underlined word  "impatient".    
A. 不疲劳的    
B. 不热情的
C. 无耐心的    
D. 不害羞的
5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

A: Hello, Jack! Where are you now?
B:  I'm in Sydney. I'm at my aunt, Mrs. Miller's home.
A:  Really? What's the weather like there?
B:It's sunny and warm
A:  Good. What are you doing?
A: Is your sister with you in Sydney?
B:  Yes. My family are all in Sydney.
A: That sounds nice. What are they doing now?
B: My father is playing chess with my uncle in the living room. My mother is cooking. (B) My sister is play-ing soccer with my aunt's son in the garden What's the weather like in Guangzhou and what are you doing?A: Oh, It's raining here. I am watching TV. But it's boring.
B: Maybe you can find an interesting book and read it.
A: Good idea. Then bye-bye.

(     ) 3. What does the underline (划线) word "here" refer to(指的是)            .    
A. the garden    
B. Sydney
C. Guangzhou    
D. the living room 
4. What's the weather like in Sydney?  
5 Who is cooking?
                                                                         .                                                                        .

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