Once upon a time there were two good friends. One is a captain of a ship ,the other is a merchant (商人). The merchant had a young sonwho wanted to be a sailor so the captain took him for voyages(航海) in his? ? ? . One day when the captain had come from a voyage with a lot of moneythe merchant told him that the price of iron() had? ? ?? and suggested that he should buy some with his money. “I’ll ? ? ? it for you in my storehouse? ?  you return from your next voyageand perhaps you’ll get? ? ? money

But while the captain was awaythe price of iron went up very  ?  so the merchant sold it and kept the moneyWhen the captain came backhis  ?  friend told him that he was very sorry and the mice had  ?  all the iron

The captain knew that his friend was telling  ? but he stayed  ? ? and said“I knew that you had problems with mice in your storehouse

After a few daysthe captain started  ?   voyageand when he returned homehe said to the merchant“I’m very sorrybut  ? ? our voyage a bird came down and carried your son away      

The merchant was very  ?  and said“Birds cannot carry boys!” “And? ? ? can mice eat iron” answered the captainThe merchant took the captain to a judge who said“The merchant must give the captain the money which he got when he  ?   the ironand then the captain must bring the merchant’s son back to him. ”

1.A. car?????? ????????????? B. ship????????????? ??????? C. train??? ????????????? D. boat

2.A. fallen???? ????????????? B. changed??? ????????????? C. rised??? ????????????? D. widened

3.A. hide?????? ????????????? B. hold????? ????????????? ??? C. put?????? ????????????? D. keep

4.A. when???? ????????????? B. since????? ????????????? C.until????? ????????????? D. after

5.A. less?????? ????????????? B .many????? ????????????? C. more???? ????????????? D. little

6.A. slowly??? ????????????? B. expensive?? ????????????? C. cheap???? D. high

7.A. dishonest? ????????????? B. honest???? ????????????? C. real????? ????????????? D. former

8.A. eaten????? ????????????? B. sold????? ????????????? ??? C. drunk? ?? D. borrowed

9.A. lie??????? ????????????? B. a lie?????? ????????????? C. lay?????? ????????????? D. lying

10.A.friendly??? ????????????? B. quietly???? ????????????? C. calm???? ????????????? D. angry

11.A. the other?? ????????????? B. another??? ????????????? C. other???? ????????????? D. others

12.A. while???? B. after????? ????????????? ??? C. during??? ????????????? D. before

13.A. disappointed? B. puzzled?? ????????????? C. happy???? D. afraid

14.A. either???? B. neither???? ????????????? C. so?????? ????????????? D. yet

15.A. won????? B. lose????? ????????????? ??? C. bought??? ????????????? D. sold


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