Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. In fact, American schools also have their rules. If students break(违背) the rules, they will get punishment(惩罚), too.  On the first day of a new term, 128 students of Morton High School were sent back home for wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether(总共)1,200 students in the school. Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster(校长)Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she had ever seen.
At Morton High School, students’ favorite clothes such as wide pants and low-necked shirts are not allowed( 允许). Some students think they have the right to choose what to wear, but the headmaster doesn’t think so.“ I’d be supportive if half the school was sent back home ,because 99% will get the message that our school is for education”
“Freedom” doesn’t mean “free of restrictions(限制性规定)”. That is to say, there is no total(完全的) freedom in the world, no matter in the US or in China.
【小题1】Many Chinese students think that American student_______.
A.are very free at school clever as them their school a lot
D.have many rules at school
【小题2】Some students of Morton High School were sent back home for_______.
A.not finishing their homework
B.playing computer games
C.not wearing the right clothes
D.being late for school
【小题3】Some students in Morton High School thinks they have the right(权利) to____
A.decide when to go to school
B.choose what to wear to school and drink in class
D.decide how to go to school
【小题4】The underlined( 划线的 ) word means“_______ ” in Chinese.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.In America, if students break the school rules, they won’t get any punishment.
B.In Morton High School, there are usually 128 students breaking the school dress rules
C.The writer doesn’t think there is freedom in America
D.The writer doesn’t think there is total freedom in the world.

On Sunday , April 22nd , people all over the world take time out to appreciate the earth that we all share .It’s Earth Day , a special day to learn about our planet and how to take care of it .

On Earth Day , some people listen to speeches about the environment . Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home .Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars .

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator(参议员) . He was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals . And the idea quickly caught on (流行起来) . In 1970 , the first Earth Day was celebrated . More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in it .Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their roles in taking care of our planet .

Now , Earth Day has become a worldwide celebration. In 1990, two hundred million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups , tree planting and other environmental events on? Earth Day .??

1.Earth Day is a special day to learn about our planet and????????? . to pay attention to the earth????

B. how to learn English

C. how to go to the moon????????????

D. how to make use of time

2.On Earth Day , we are told to?????????? .

A. go shopping?????????

B. save water and electricity at home?

C. listen to music???????

D. drive our cars

3.The idea for Earth Day was given by a __________ from America .

A. farmer???????? B. teacher?????? C. scientist????? D. senator

4.According to the passage ,the first Earth Day was celebrated in____________ .

A. 1990, the U.S.A.????????????? B. 1970, Beijing

C. 1970, America??????????????? D. 1990, America

5.Why has Earth Day become a worldwide celebration ? Because __________.

A. Earth Day is on Sundays .???

B. we can sing songs on Earth Day

C. there are so many people on Earth Day

D. Earth Day can teach people how to take care of our planet


How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Americans sleep an average (平均值) of seven to eight hours a night. After the age of fifty the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a night.

Most people have a bad night when they can not sleep. About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people can not fall sleep. This problem is called (叫做) insomnia. This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special (特别的) ideas to another to make them sleep. Benjaming Franklin, the famous stateman (政治家) and inventor (发明家),had four beds. He moved from one to another to fall asleep. King Lousis XIV of France had 13 beds and hoped that he could fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, had a different way. He lay on his side on the end of the bed!

1..Most American people need________ hours of sleep a night.

         A.3             B.10                C.7-8             D.5-6

2.People need_________ sleep as they get older.

         A. more          B. less(更少的)    C. no             D. little

3.“The problem is called insomnia.” Here “insomnia” means_________.

A.going to sleep easily              B. sleep at daytime

C. the ways of sleep                D. not being able to(能够)go to sleep

4.Mark Twain lay on his side on the end of the bed because he_________.

A.was an old man              B. thought it was easy to go sleep

C. was a famous writer          D. didn’t have much room to sleep in

5.The passage is mainly (主要地) talking about_________.

         A. sleep                         B. insomnia

         C. how to go to bed                D. the famous person


The Wilsons decided to go overseas for vacation. They had a family meeting to plan the vacation. "First," Mr. Wilson said, "we should decide where we are going."

"I don't agree," Mrs. Wilson said, "I think we should decide when we are going first. We don't want to go to places when they are cold." [来源:Zxxk.Com]

Mr. Wilson agreed, so the family's first decision was when to go on vacation. They decided to go in July. "Now we can decide where to go," said Mr. Wilson. "But, Dad," Ben said, "don't you think that where we go depends on(依赖,取决于)how we go? If we plan to fly, we can go a long way. If we plan to drive, we can't go far."

Again, Mr. Wilson agreed, and they discussed this. At last they agreed to travel by plane. And so the planning meeting went on. The next day, one of Mr. Wilson's friends at work asked, "Where are you going for vacation?"

"Well," Mr. Wilson told him, "we are going in summer by plane, but I don't know where we are going!

1. Why did they have a family meeting?

A.Because they wanted to save money.

B.Because they had a party.

C.Because they wanted to plan the vacation.

D.Because they were in trouble.

2.First they decided ______________.

A.where to go

B.when to go to go

D.what to do

3.They decided to go in ______________.





4.They decided to travel by_____________.




5.They didn't decide _____________.

A.where to go

B.when to go to go

D.all of above


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